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I am leaving


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Okay, I've done a little homework and managed to dig up these previous "Threat to leave" threads:


Gone for Good


My farewell


Another "I'm leaving thread" <---- See, even you are aware of this going trend! :p


And now this thread. These are just the instances where you took the time to make a new thread to say you're leaving, not to mention all the times you threatened to leave inside of already existing arguments, err... I mean… threads.


If you're wondering why no one is taking you seriously, it's because you cried "wolf" too many times before. I for one, think you are serious, and for your sake, I hope you are. Because I don't think, in the entire history of Lucasforums, that anyone has been banned for repeated threats of leaving the forum, but, at the rate you're going, you just may be the first. If for no other reason than it's as annoying as hell! ;)


Now, personally, I have never really had a problem with you, so I can say I'm sorry to see you go. But I can also say this, if you ever want people to respect you and your opinions, then try to back off the swearing, cussing and physical threats. They are hurting a lot more than they are helping your cause.


If you never do come back, then fare thee well, Heavyarms and God bless. :(

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