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Wishlist for 1.05


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I'd like this thread to be a place where people could suggest changes for JK2. Please do not flame anyone here even though you don't like their ideas... stay openminded and try to imagine that not everyone is a clone of YOU. Keep the tone civil so the thread is actually worth reading. If you do comment on peoples ideas please try to do it by presenting your own ideas and not trashing people. If you come here and really hate some idea presented here but you don't have any suggestions yourself... please just type "Grrrrr *BUMP*" ... then we will all know you hate something here but we won't have to read through a pile of flaming crap. Let is try to discuss this, discuss what the problems of 1.04 are and how they can be solved. And when I say discuss I mean presenting ideas in a civil and polite manner. If you are one of those who feel that the newbies ruined the game and you didn't get heard... it could be because you were just flaming and not really trying to present any ideas. So if we are to be taken seriously we need to keep this thread clean. Thanks.




I'll just start out by suggesting a few things.


- The arc of blocking attacks should be smaller, but the blocking should work 100% of the time. This way it would require skill and be less random. You will have to face your opponent to parry.


- Kicking... well there already is a thread about this :D But I'd just like to see kicking as a defensive option rather than a very good offensive option. With kick fixed they should let you do it with a single click again... this would solve the problem with some people using scripts to get an edge.


- Health/shield/bacta ... they ruin many fights. People camp on top of these durring a fight... especially on some CTF maps this is a problem. Getting back health is simply way too easy in JK2. Heal/drain AND all this stuff littering the map. Besides people always running away to get health is annoying too... if we all did this the scores would be very low and mostly be a result of DFAs. I suggest at least a new option for a hardcore mode in all game types. All these things removed and an added option for natural healing by crouching with saber off.


Well that's all for now.




Please even after having read this... please do stay civil... if you hate what I just wrote and don't have any ideas yourself please just type Grrrrrrr *BUMP* .... thanks ;)

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The blocking is fine, the lag tolerance is not. Don't change the blocking system, just make the code more lag tolerant. Now, it works great on a LAN but it sucks on the net, especially dial ups.


Something does need to be done about kicking, but I'm not sure what. :)


As for health and shield pick ups, leave them in. The people who don't like them (like me) can just use some cvars to remove them.


Plus, something still need to be done about the excessive use of specials. The way it is now, people continuely use them because they do extra damage, I'd remove the block bypass ability and lower the damage to a max of about 1.5-2 times normal swing damage.

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I'd like to see a blockable kick.


The blocking-arc should apply to kicks too. Sticking your feet in the face of someone holding a lightsaber (which is located pretty close to you private parts at the time of the kick) should not be risk-free. :p


Razorace - the reason why people spam specials is: weak sabers & powerups everywhere. >>> You need to kill fast to be able to kill at all. :(

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I totally agree with that smaller arc of defence and 100% block idea. I'd like one's defence to be blocking instead of running away. Or even better, make it so the more accurately you face your opponent, the better your chances of blocking. And reaching 100% block when red crosshair.

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Make people in the kick animation vulnerable to attack/lower their guard similar to when a person swings their saber. As well as drop the amount of damage done to 10 points of health (so they can be shot while they're in the middle of the flip with regular blasters, can be slashed with sabers without it being blocked, easily).


Lower blocking arc to roughly 40 degrees forward (20 degrees left, 20 degrees right). Maybe 60 or 50.


Decrease firing rate of secondary imperial heavy repeater and golan arms flechette launcher so that they are equal to or less than force push. Or vice versa and increase the firing rate of force push to equal or more than the secondary firing rates of the repeater and flechette.


Increase parrying and knock-away chances in saber fights.


Include excluded SP animations into MP (such as the getting up animations).


Make explosions in MP cause you to fall to the ground with the same affect as force push/pull (similar to SP).

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Or... How about no gameplay tweaks?


I have this great idea..




- Fix the animation bugs of the various mines and thermal dets. Make it look like you are actually throwing them.


- Fix the bug with mouses that have more than 3 buttons (inc scrollwheel) JK2 thinks the 4th and 5th mouse buttons on my Intellimouse are the same as 4 and 6 on the numpad, this causes real havoc with my CTF binds since I always end up accidently hitting the 4th and 5th mouse buttons, thus misleading the team. This may seem minor, but I would really appreciate this being fixed.


- Make the appearance of the force speed trails into a client-side variable. This could fix some lag issues with force speed.


- Find some way of fixing the netcode, anything above about 250 ping makes it almost impossible to do any of the important CTF jumps. Offline I can make every Bespin Pipes jump every time, Online i'm lucky to get 1 in 5 (and this is when there aren't pull/pushers around) at times Force Jump actually sends me flying down instead of up!


- Fix the tint of force rage, if you die with rage activated the tint will still be visible when you respawn, not a real issue, but could be fixed nontheless.


- Make it so that you can discharge a charged disrupter without actually firing the shot in the event of losing your target.

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- Increase saber swing damage, balance out the heavier swings like the red over the top down slice, so it won't be a one hit killer, make lunge do less damage (well more like the same damage, just don't make it a heavy hitter). Make lunge do like it does now, max of 35-40 damage when it's a direct hit. But like the guy above me, make normal hits go 40-60-90 (direct hits mind you, not lil scratches from the tip of the saber, like in 1.2 heh).


- Like most other people, I agree, change kick. Either make it blockable, a seperate key (i think this would be better than anything, because making it an optional attack would make it more like 1.2 where it was single cllick, therefore couldn't be done in the air). I think kick should do a MAX of 10 damage. The animation if possible would be nice to be like that of the movies, where it's more of a roundhouse kick, not a flip off your face kick. That way since you're not IN the air kicking, it'd be easier to counter.


- Change saber throw, so that it's more like single player in the way blocks have a chance of knocking it to the ground (making a throw whore think twice about being one). And make it where you can't do any other force power while throwing (like pulling and pushing to break someone's defense, very cheap move).


- Fix various bugs that still exist, that Detritic mentioned.


- Add another gameplay if possible, something like Jedi verus Merc. But more of an objective based game. Like have it where it can be good verus evil. Limited amount of Jedi to a team with all their light powers with the rest of the team being mercs with all guns and weapons available, but no force powers. The other team being the same merc wise, sip the Jedi on that team are Sith, with all Dark force powers available. Make it like CTF.. or something with a twist, would be a nice idea, I think.

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I don't see the point in changing things that you can already change with cvars. It's just forcing your will on other people.




- Dropable saber like in SP

- Improve lag tolerance. Lag's causing people to think the defense rate / arc is much higher / bigger than it really is....





- Turret Bug in the Jedi Master Game Mode

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Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ

- Make it so that you can discharge a charged disrupter without actually firing the shot in the event of losing your target.


This is easy (And works with the Bryar charge also), just swich weapons and the shot isnt fired, i'm still sure the power you used to charge the shot gets lost though

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- Like most other people, I agree, change kick. Either make it blockable, a seperate key (i think this would be better than anything, because making it an optional attack would make it more like 1.2 where it was single cllick, therefore couldn't be done in the air). I think kick should do a MAX of 10 damage. The animation if possible would be nice to be like that of the movies, where it's more of a roundhouse kick, not a flip off your face kick. That way since you're not IN the air kicking, it'd be easier to counter.


I wouldnt mind this at all.



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