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Quick skin; AT-AT driver showcase


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A pretty easy recolour & tweak of the Tie-Pilot & Trandoshan textures. Using the Tie-Pilot model as a base.




It's not "pixel perfect", and I don't know if I have the inclination to make it so (the air tubes connect to the wrong place, etc).


It's a close enough approximation for my liking, but comments are welcome.

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Cool. :)


Well, it's the first skin I've finished, so I'll find a tutorial on how to pack it up tonight & get a couple of friends to Beta-test it for me before releasing it (JO hardly runs on my crappy old pII-300, 4MB ATi Rage Pro).


I figure the standard Tie-Pilot sounds will be fine for it. I have a little bit of tweaking to do on the Team-Colour variants.


Hopefully I'll get it out in a few days.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That model looks great. But until it's released hopefully my interpretation of an AT-AT Driver will suffice.


It should be ready to submit here soon. I'm still beta testing, and I've still got to tweak the bot files.


Got some nice in-game screenies...




And I've got the team colour schemes together too;




Stay tuned...



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I sent the finished skin to both massassi.net and here a week ago. massassi got it up within 24 hours. I'm still waiting to see what happens at jediknightii.net.


So if you want it, you can either wait and see if jkii decide to include it on their next update (?), or you can get it at massassi now.

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