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Pentagon bombed.....

Guest Boba Rhett

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I am happy to hear your sister is safe. i aslo had a friend who was there but three weeks ago.


However I'm still shocked by the images I see on TV. It is just terrible.


As anybody else herd of the bombing happening in Afghannistan (Is how you spell it?). My brother believes it is Bush's doing and he has a good example to back it up. The US military can do any operation without having to notice congress and the public until it has been three weeks.

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Actually, he can do it for 90 days without approval (ever heard of Kossovo? ;))


anyways, i have a hard time believing that it was the americans, they would have to have scrambled bombers pretty fast to make it. I wouldn't be suprised if it is the US, but i also wouldn't be suprised if it was Israel or even other factions in Aphganistan.

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Guest xwing guy

Those people in afganistan are in a civil war anyways and its been confirmed that those bombs were NOT from us. BTW just an interesting little side note here, Bin Laden is hated by his own musilisms except those in his terrorist group, like the palestins and the iraqies don't even call them musilims they call them something else. So you can see that even other musilims hate bin laden and his group.

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Guest Gamma732

I doubt the bombings in Kabul are due to American bombers. Russia and China are right on top of Afghanistan. Do you think either of them would miss a flight of bombers flying through their neighboring airspace? No. Would they keep quiet while Bush denys these bombings, after noticing our bombers? Of course not. They don't want us, or anyone for that matter, running around there bombing anything we please into the ground, and then lying about it.


If you ask me, it almost seems like these extremist groups are trying to play the USA and Afghanistan against each other. Someone rams the WTC and the Pentagon. Afghanistan says they didn't do it. Numerous sites in Kabul are bombed. The USA says they didn't do it. It all seems a little too perfect if you ask me.

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Guest Gamma732

Well, the White House supposedally has Stinger Missle batteries guarding it, but I guess the Pentagon doesn't. But I agree, I expected hidden missle batteries to defend it or something.


This is getting wayyyy too close to RA2 territory.....

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Originally posted by crazy_dog

I get your point, Jackal.


Anyway, don't blame the Palistinians too much. There leader seemed very shocked.


Oh by the way, sorry about the Pentagon thing.


dood, there leader seemed shocked b/c he knows that his country, as well as his own life, are in jeopardy. don't believe this crap about the afghans doing their own investigation and how arafat said they'll investigate this. the mid east has hated the U.S. for years so what makes you think they'll do us the favor of doing there own measley investigation?

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Originally posted by Gamma732

Well, the White House supposedally has Stinger Missle batteries guarding it, but I guess the Pentagon doesn't. But I agree, I expected hidden missle batteries to defend it or something.


This is getting wayyyy too close to RA2 territory.....


The US would never shoot down a civilian plain, not unless they were 200% sure that it was highjacked, and 300% sure that they were gonna intentially crash into the Whitehouse or Pentagon or whatever. They can't just start shooting anything that comes near, unless of course, it is an enemy military aircraft.

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Guest Gamma732
Originally posted by Tie Guy


The US would never shoot down a civilian plain, not unless they were 200% sure that it was highjacked, and 300% sure that they were gonna intentially crash into the Whitehouse or Pentagon or whatever. They can't just start shooting anything that comes near, unless of course, it is an enemy military aircraft.


I see your point, as today I found out that the plane was going around 700mph and its regular flight path brought it right next to the Pentagon anyway. They probably couldn't have guessed that it was another kamakize plane.

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Originally posted by Gamma732


I see your point, as today I found out that the plane was going around 700mph and its regular flight path brought it right next to the Pentagon anyway. They probably couldn't have guessed that it was another kamakize plane.


Jumbo jets can't get over 400 mph, but they are working on a new design that can go 500mph. Still, there wasn't much they could do, by the time they realized it, it was already too late, unfortunately.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy


Thrawn, i have thought long and hard about that. But i've decide that i don't think it is. I believe that the destruction will be musch more massive for that time, and that the chrsitians will be "taken up" before the worst comes.


On a lighter note, I don't think that World War 3 wil happen. The reason, the allies are way too strong. There is no large communist or other group that could take on the allies. The only threat are the small, third-world countries made up of terrorists. Those countries, even when allied together don't have the strenth to take on the US much less all of the UN. No, if there is a war, it will involve us bombing the crap out of our enemy and then going in to take them out. Kinda like desert storm, but quicker and easier i think.


R u a Christian? If so have you read Zephaniah in the King James Version? It totally describes the whole thing! It's freaky that someone could prophecy that this would happen thousands of years ago! It's also scary that we might be under God's wrath for being so powerful and so darn cocky!

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Guest xwing guy

No I think that Bin Laden will be the one under Gods wrath. Also the pentagon does have SAMs around it but they didn't know what it was going to do and it was kinda low making it a hard target, and they didn't know it was hijaked.

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Yes, but by the time that the plane entered the zone, it was already too late. Also, they would have been very hesitant to shoot down a civilian aircraft. Now, if it was a Mig fighter jet coming, that thing would be fired at as soon as it was in range, but thats different........

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