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Is anyone interested in making a map for me

Darth Damage

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I was hopong that someone can make me a map, because i am starting a clan that is just beginning and i dont have time to figure out how to map sooo.... if someone here can help me reply and we can talk. the map i want is a duel map nice and small but i want some detail. PLEASE HELP

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*Sigh* Another "Can someone make this..." message. OK, Darth. I'm gonna tell you what all mappers have told non-mappers since the forums began, ,oh so long ago on a forum far far away.


Non-mappers dont really have a grasp of how much time and work goes into even the smallest of maps. Sure, some CAN be completed in about say 3 hours or so from start to finish. But, in some cases, like this clan map you want, the mapper wants it to have a specific feel or character to it, something to set it apart from every other clan map out there.


That means a lot of work. A lot of tested. A lot of rebuilding. Get my picture? The worst part is this - We finish this project for someone else, and almost invariably we get this : "Oh... that wasn't quite what I wanted...."


Ouch man. Arrow to the heart. Cause that's what we're putting into each map we do. You say you're too busy to learn how to map? I learned 90% of the basics in one afternoon.


Having said that, however, I'll see if I cant squeeze you into my schedule somewhere, as I have a few other projects pending right now. I'm not the best mapper in the world, but I do allright. What I'll need from you is this : A floorplan. I need to know EXACTLY what you want in the level. If you want a room to be a big hole in the ground with a single platform hovering over it, then fine. Tell me that. If you want your battles to take placee inside a giant toiletbowl (heaven forbid...) tell me. Oncee I see the list of stuff you want, ,I can give a better estimate of how long and how much work it'll take me.


I'll be watching.

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well thank you for your time promiss i wont be a dick and when i say thank you i really mean it. And what i want this map to be like is a duel map. I want it to be very dark with lighting effects coming from the ceiling, like beams of light coming down from heaven. I would like it to have the detail of the ending of the duel of the fates map, the reacter part where maul dies with a reflecting floor. reply if you want the job:D

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well thank you for your time promiss i wont be a dick and when i say thank you i really mean it. And what i want this map to be like is a duel map. I want it to be very dark with lighting effects coming from the ceiling, like beams of light coming down from heaven. I would like it to have the detail of the ending of the duel of the fates map, the reacter part where maul dies with a reflecting floor. reply if you want the job:D


ps - if you have email or aim please tell me mine is AngelOfDeath650 and lbastida@hotmail.com

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Beams of light ARE possible, though hell if I know how to do them... I've only seen one map that successfully uses them, and I cant get in contact with the author to figure out how he did it.


And, if I understand correctly, you want a roughly circular room with a big hole in the center? Easy enough, I think. It wont be done instantly of course, but depending on how much detail I put in it, I think I can have something in a week. Two at the most. Only reason it will take even that long is beacuse of other projects.


Just for my info - Clan Name? I may be able to work it into the map somewhere...

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Well, beams of light are easy to do. It's just a shader. I made one myself. It's pretty easy. I can give it to you if you want.


The only problem i'm currently having with the beam shaders is that sometimes they clip in MP. It's a bug i haven't figured out yet. They seem to work fine in MP.

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Beam shaders, eh? Again, I've seen them used once. I've kinda thought my way through them once, ,but never did a test. I was thnking of using a flat black texture to reflect light. Since black is clear in-game, the reflected light would look likea beam. WOuld hve to use caulk/nonsolid for the rest of it though...


If there's a diff way to do it, either let me know the actual process or send me the shader - email is Shadriss@hotmail.com. If you have MSN messenger, go ahead and send to me through that.

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OK< Darth. As you undoubtedly are curious as to what I've come up with, and I've pretty much got it done with the exceptions of a little beamshader troubleshooting, I'll give you quick descrip.


Basically, it's a large octagonal room with a slope-sided pit in the center, which is lava filled. This of course, HURTS. Supported above it by three pylons and a ramp leading up to it is a large circular platform, somewhat bigger than the pit itself is (did this to nerf the grip/puch kills). It's lit by way of a series of overhead windows (using the Kejim sky) and uses five Valley of the Jedi Statues as accent pieces. Lining the side walls are a series of three (per side) columns with lit tops, also octagonal in design.


THe lighting effect is fairly dark, which from your posts above is a plus. All the textures (with one or two exceptions) came from the Yavin set, so lots of stone and rock. Very "temple"ish.


On the underside of the circular platform, I have set up a beamshader from a light I installed there. It's my first beamshader (ever) so it's taking a little longer to get it figured out, but it's almost there.


Now, I have to ask a question about intent -


From your posts, I get the impression this was a Duel-style map. And that's the way I've set it up. Now, it CAN support up to six FFA players, though it WOULD be a little tight, I think. However, in both cases, I need to know which weapons should be installed in the map. I wouldn't recommend more than three differant ones, maybe four. Anything more than that, and it'll get crowded.


THink that about does it. As soon as you answer with weapons, I'll get them in, and should have a semi-finished product quickly. I want to point out that this was a fairly quick map - I didn't go too far out of my way to refine it. It's functional, not neccisarily pretty looking. Just so you are aware.


I'll be watching.

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well the weapons for this map... probably only the the stormtrooper blaster, and the wookiee bowcaster. thats all for weapons and i think it should be ffa also cause its gonna be more of a meeting place for me and my friends. what you have been doing for me is so cool i cant thank you enough :urpdude:

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No, no screenies - I only have one minor issue to figure out. It's a lighting one, and it's really only an oddity that I'd like explained before I release it to you. IN reality, it's a simple map, and it's pretty much done. Just waiting to see if this oddity I mentioned CAN be fixed, or if it's an engine anomoly that I'll just have to live with.

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Sorry for the long silence man. My wife had our firstborn son a week or so ago, and I hadn't realized that being a father would eat up SO much time.


That said, I finally got an answer to the issue I was waiting on. I have one or two things to do with it, which shouldn't take more than an hour or so to do, and then I'll let you know where/how to pick it up.


Having the MSN Messenger would GREATLY facilitate the X-fer, if you have it...

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