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Can your computer handle SWG?

Eldon Nitcellok

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Ok, we know the game is going to rock and that we are all drooling over the screen shots but let’s face reality. How many of us have computers that can handle SWG? We don’t know the exact requirements yet (do we? I cant find them) but they said the goal was for it to run on an average comp made in 2001 - 02, so lets just say that’s 700 MHz processor with around 128 megs of ram and a 16 – 32 meg graphic card that supports T&L (basically any thing by Nvidia). So my real questions are do you think this is reasonable, and can your computer run it. I know until this week mine could not but I finally upgraded (worked all summer to get the $$) and I am safe. It could be cool for every one to post their system specs here, maybe we can get a little attention from the Dev guys.


PS. I’m not going to post mine so no one can say I’m doing this to show off


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IM to ashamed of my computer to psot the specs I already know I wont meet the req. Thats why I gotta wait a year so I can go to basic and then get out and make enough money to get a computer that I wont have to up grade for a decade (I wish) But I figure 5 grand should cover it, then theres just the connection problem.


People in germany and england, how hard or easy is it to get a broadband connection?

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Sadly, 128 mb RAM is propably too low. I mean, MMORPGs hogs the RAM down completely, the new EQ version out now requires 512 mb RAM, dammit! It's because the computer has to keep tracks of the surrounding and everything that happens at a minimum of netcode that the RAM never can be enough. Sad but true.


Other than that, I hope I'll do, since my main computer has a 800 PIII, a ATi Radeon 64 card and some 384 mb RAM (though, some of them are on a 100 mhz bus, so they are quite slow). And I have my lovely broadband.


Keep your hopes up, everyone who's scared of the specs. Strange things happens in hardwareland, so who knows the prices in december? Practically nobody right now.

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my comp SuXoRs compared to EVERYONE else's...

the only thing thats worth a hoot is my 500mhz AMD Athalon...AND EVEN THAT SUX NOW...

probly wont even run on 500 will it? =\




P.S. -->Anyone out there who can hook me up with a MUCH BETTER comp that this for a decent price ? lol


PSS-> No seriously i DO need a new one.

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My system will cope, but not at full specs (I have P3 800, 256Mb RAM, GF2 GTS Pro 64Mb). But my issue is that my phone line can only support a 56k modem. I signed up for ADSL, but the line was tested as incompatable. I can't change the line because I'm in a block of flats and I don't exactly own it. Cable is also not an option here so I have to move to play SWG... quite a commitment really.

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What are you talking about? SWG will be totally playable by 56k modem. It's just a lot more uncommon to get disconnected now and then if you have broadband. And, since in Sweden you pay modem traffic at the same cost as phonecalls, those 3-5 cents per minutes amounts to a lot when you play 2-4 hours per day for a month. That's why I love my broadband.

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I'm in the same boat as you Longjocks, except I live in the boons. The lines can't handle DSL. We have cable in town, but I can't move. Believe me, I would if I could.


They say it can be run on 56k... I'm worried about future games though. The market is getting less and less 56k friendly, and soon, I won't be able to play anything.

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Good to see you around. I'll propably leave town for a bit now, but around the 24th I'll start working, so I'll be back before that.


Oh, and I guess we can't have that post race here, since I have too much of a lead. But you sure beat me last time! ;)

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Hmm.. well, one thing is for certain, we'll get reports of what systems DON'T work when people start playing the beta. And so will Verant. But yeah, they should know pretty well by now what the requirements are. If they could only tell us... :)


Damn those NDA's!

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Unless you guys are intending on playing the geame at 1024x768 or above at full settings then your specs should be enough.


By the time SWG comes out if I buy it I will have:


1.2GHz AMD Athlon T'Bird

256MB pc133 ram

GF4 Ti4200 64MB Graphics Card.


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