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JediPLUS (JediMOD++)


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I request you to remove the grapple hook code.


Do not start with "it's Dest's code blabla"


This part is mine and I do not give you permission to use it.


If you fail to remove the hook within 1-2 days and release theupdated version, I will make sure that no jk2 site will host your mod, including moddb.




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hmm.. so now everybody hates him now or what?

sad story. hey mr DeadlyBOFH, i dont hate u yet, heh, will u give me your source code? its realy nice to have some features but i wont install any mod on my server which cant change damage values for the saber by cvars...

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heh like in jedimod? that sux

i got a cvar for every max and min value on every move. like red special or backstabb or standart swing.

and not just those backstabbs...

red stance does not make much sense with such a low damage curve. then all the skilled medium stancers are in charge...

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i thought Dest would learn something from the Jedimod++ issue.

Apparently he did not. Too bad. Add that code then. You still need the main grappling hook functions, which are NOT there. Also, that code as it is won't work. You still need to modify it because of missing stuff in JK2.



be the "great" coder, rip others' work. be my guest

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Thank you sniper..


For 3.1 i was trying to get everyone off my backs after the whole JediMOD++ incident by renaming it JediPLUS, but then ASk has to be an *******, along with his little butt-buddy remark. Well, i removed ask's stupid grapple code, and remarks hilt pack... And then I made my own grapple code, and included a bunch of other hilts (a compilation of the movie ones).


I also added my own features (Admin Features are almost all completely done by me because JK2++ ones sucked.) And, I've removed 99.9% of JK2++.

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Originally posted by DeadlyBOFH

i was trying to get everyone off my backs after the whole JediMOD++ incident


What?! by saying this?


Originally posted by DeadlyBOFH

ASk has to be an *******, along with his little butt-buddy remark.


You act like a spoilt child when they ask you not to copy their work!!!


they are perfectly within their rights to do this. if they want they can have their work exclusive to one mod.


No wonder no one likes you and lets you use their stuff when you act like a f**kstick all the time.

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the only problem was the releasing thing. stupid (yeah remark, thats right the people are stupid, like i said, otherwise they would now from the start which mod to pick without mistaking jedimod 3.1 for the real one, thats my point on THE PEOPLE) server admins took it as the real jedimod version 2.2 and stuff. dest couldnt know what terribly stupid (or mallicious) mistake BOFH was going to do. not renaming the folder as well! so his mod overwrote the original one. that made the people think bad things about him. cant blame them.

but know he mabe learned his lesson. i dont urge anybody to fogive him, but mabe ignore him and stuff like that. mabe he has something to contribute after all...

releasing your code for newbs would be a good start. i got jedimod 1.2 but dont think that there are many features that i can use. and i dont have any ambitions to release the mod, just want to have some good admin options for my server but without having to lose the damage scale options i build in...

and guys, dont get to itchy about your precious code. its all hard work, mabe but not worth the hassle. the only real conflict was the fame war, that BOFH never should have started. i hope it was just a mistake by him..

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NITEMARE you just want his source code. Stop kissing his ass.


Also, anything bearing the name "Chrono" in the author field I would request that your mod NOT use it. Not because I don't like you, but because you have shown the most amount of disrespect for my fellow modders just because they requested you not use their work. Oh, and I will know which sabers are mine, so if I happen to see any of them in your mod I will request they be removed immediately.


Have a nice day.

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At this point everything in the mod is going to remain as stands..


JediPLUS 3.1 has been submitted, and is now out of my control. I will not pull the mod back again to make more modifications.. If you want something removed, please post it here and it'll be taken care of in the next version.

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I tag something on ALL of my sabers that says these are not to be altered or used as a basis for other models, unless it is for scaling issues.


It is my wishes that BOFH doesn't use my sabers in his mod. I don't need a reason, and I don't need to explain. I should think he would be courteous enough to obey my wishes. I'm not bashing him in any way, shape, or form. I just don't want my work in his mod.

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I'm not bashing him in any way, shape, or form.


Whatever bud, you, Ask, and Remark have all been bashing on him ever since the start of the whole JM++ name fasico.


As for your code, you do have a right to ask him to remove it, but it seems to me to be some big personal vendetta you guys have against BOFH. Can't you just ask him to quit using you code without threatening him? Removing specific code isn't exactly easy to do on short notice. Give him a good chance to remove it and then start threatening him. LOL :)

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if you would look in the jedimod source, you would see something:






Every instance of the grapple code is marked like this (or at least by Grapple before the block of code).


this is one. also the only change that is needed to render grapple unusable can be made in g_active.c, where a small piece of code (10-15 lines) is removed, and then you have no way of activating the grapple from the game. And this piece is definitely marked by those tags above.


For the other, when I talked to BOFH on IRC he started with legal crap like: you can't tell me what to use and what not, if you release it, i can use it how much i want and similar. And I was even willing to tell him where exactly he needs to make the necessary changes. Call this however you like, I call it general lameness. (pm me for the log if you want it)


Oh and razor, the reason for my bash was more than just JM++ name. Call it principle.

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