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how about an Anakin EP1 model for JediMod?


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i tried to search for this but it didn't bring anything up so forgive me if this is not a new idea, but with the success of yoda for Jedi Mod why not make an Anakin Skywalker model from Episode 1.


I think it would be cool and would definately download it. What do you guys think?


oh, and if there is a thread on this already please link it for me, i'd be interrested in seeing it



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I saw in someones avatar (not sure who it was) but a pic of anakin with regular padawan tunic, not the black one, but It looked like Hayden Christensen. Maybe someone could make an Anakin in normal Jedi Tunic to go along with his Black robed tunic. Now that would be cool.

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Here's my suggestion, take the anakin model that Tercero is working on.


- Cut him off at the knees, (add feet from severed leg area)


- Cut him off at the elbow (add hands from severed arm)


- give the light brown jedi tunic


- give him a hair cut, color his hair lighter, and voila, you have anakin from Episode 1!!!






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yea i didn't care for jake Lloyd either and thought there could have been many ppl better suited for the role. But i still think its a good idea.


And i'd definately do his padawan look right at the end of ep1, because it just wouldn't be right any other way. Or you could do an imaginary model of hm when he was 13-14?

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what about these


1) His woohoo! from when he was flying the naboo starfighter (kind of anoying like lando's though)


2) the "now this is podracing" from when he's piloting the starfighter


3) when he is talking to Qui-Gonn he make a remark like "i don't think so, no one can kill a jedi." maybe we can use that then hopefully find somewhere in the movie where he says "I can" and splice that after the line, so it would sound like "i don't think so, no on can kill a jedi....I can." or something like that.


and i think if someone is gonna do anakin then it needs to be the one from the end of episode 1, not an anakin that we don't see on a movie, just because of the fact that more people would recognize the one from the movie.


oh, and i just suggested this model, i don't have one ounce of editing in me so i am definately out.


does anyone want to give this model a try?


could be the next yoda

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