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BOFH shows his real face


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Good point avalon, and at this point i would also like to point out that I will not be including any further versions of JediMOD in JediPLUS. 1.2 is the last one and the only one that will be included in future versions. I intend to build on top of the code i've added onto it from this point on. I would like ideas of what people actually want added to it.. This way i can accomodate everyone.


BOFH, does that mean that you're going to remove all the JM code and just build off your own code? What's the overall plan for JediPLUS?

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The overall plan is to leave the current code as it is (With JediMOD 1.2) and continue building on it... There are a lot of things in JediMOD 1.2 that are above my coding level (Two Sabers, Model Scaling), but now that its in there i can modify it and improve on it. I will not be adding any new JediMODs (anything above 1.2 if and when they come out) to JediPLUS, since it takes just takes too long to add the new JediMOD code to JediPLUS and remove the bugs.


Besides, I've been looking into animation making, modeling, etc.... Maybe a move in Blue and Red that get triggered on DFA, a few new emotes that help with the people who do RPG playing with JKII (bowing at the waist), etc..


Im also going to work on full lefthand animation (u'll be able to choose your primary hand).


Most of this stuff is far off, but some of it is easy to do nowadays...


One of the things im definately going to figure out that ASk couldnt and I still havent had any luck with either is a rope/trail for the grapple.


Anyway in the end (hopefully by 4.0), i'll even start releasing source code. (but 3.x must continue for now.)

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Neato. Would you mind sharing some of your knowledge on animations? I'm going to need to "remix" (not create) some animations to get what I want in Masters of the Force and I need to know the rules of the game before I can play it. :) And where is this JK2 Modviewer (the program where I can view the animations) at?

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I'm not goint to release open source on my mod unless it is requested. I don't want people saying "Oh well here is my mod, took a little bit longer than Chrono's but I made it all on my own".


This isn't an attack on anyone, but I would rather my code be left intact and not messed with.


And all this time, my argument wasn't BOFH's problem with source code/not source code. My problem was his naming of the mod as JediMod++ like he really made any contributions to Dest's mod. If he would have named it something else, there would be no problem with me, because I don't use J+.

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Sorry, but im going to have to learn how to do them first... It'll take a lil while.


Originally posted by razorace

Neato. Would you mind sharing some of your knowledge on animations? I'm going to need to "remix" (not create) some animations to get what I want in Masters of the Force and I need to know the rules of the game before I can play it. :) And where is this JK2 Modviewer (the program where I can view the animations) at?

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Provided that if it was released to the general public, the credit for the original model was given to me...yes, I have no problem with that.


Altering stuff personally is something that is not protected by law.


Distributing it without author's permission is - the minute that saber left my hard drive the skin and model belonged to me. If you release a skin for that model the skin still belongs to you, but the model still belongs to me, and it is required to mention that in the readme.txt as "a skin based off of the ___, originally modeled by Chrono".


It's not too difficult to understand ^_^. Just don't use anything I created without adding that line if you modified it ^_^. If you didn't modify it, complete credit goes to me.

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Originally posted by -Chrono_MOT-

I'm not goint to release open source on my mod unless it is requested. I don't want people saying "Oh well here is my mod, took a little bit longer than Chrono's but I made it all on my own".


This isn't an attack on anyone, but I would rather my code be left intact and not messed with.


And all this time, my argument wasn't BOFH's problem with source code/not source code. My problem was his naming of the mod as JediMod++ like he really made any contributions to Dest's mod. If he would have named it something else, there would be no problem with me, because I don't use J+.


that's how it all started...


BOFH, the point is not that Dest let you use the name, the point is that you used it without adding mu....almost nothing to the mod

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and yeah, you won't add Dest's code anymore...there is a 97% chance of him working on it ever again....say that, don't say the bull**** "It's hard...blah blah...I'll make my own", admit it like a man, dude, you've got balls or not ? admitting to something doesn't make you any less a man, making excuses does though....

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Originally posted by ASk

remark: shush

It's my thread after all. And I agree with them, you are not reacting adequately.


of course I'm not, I'm not a person to just drop and forgive, I'm not like that...


and don't shush me, I'll turn it around and stick it in your face ;) they tell me to drop if after they make like 4 posts about it ? heh, who should drop what here...I was stating the facts to BOFH, he's making it look weirder then it is, we all know he won't add on top of JediMod Official anymore, he knows no more versions will come out..for a long time... o_0?

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