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Originally posted by samm666

stupidity on his half, and i know what he means, he just doesnt know what he is talking about.


he obviously has never done any coding in his life so i suggest he shut the hell up before his hole he is digging gets any deeper.


LoL i'm just thinking "stupid dbz guy.."

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yeah why are there soooo many DBZ fans on here? ive seen one episode and i dont see what is so interesting about it anyway. it seems to me just like pokemon or something, just a cartoon for 8 yr old japanese kids. although i cant really judge from one episode.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow...How many other words are synonymous with "stupid?"


brainless, dazed, deficient, dense, dim, dodo, doltish, dopy, dotterel, dull, dumb, dummy, foolish, futile, gullible, half-baked, half-witted, idiotic, ill-advised, imbecilic, inane, indiscreet, insensate, irrelevant, irresponsible, laughable, loser, ludicrous, meaningless, mindless, moronic, naive, nonsensical, obtuse, pointless, puerile, rash, senseless, short-sighted, simple, simple-minded, slow, sluggish, stolid, stupefied, thick, thickheaded, trivial, unintelligent, unthinking, witless


Tell me...Who here knows what "literate" means?



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Let me set this straight...


At this moment in time, new, fuctioning user created animations are virtually impossible. First of all, you need Softimage|XSI, a very expensive peice of software that is extremely difficult to use. Second, we don't even know what version of it we would need. Third, no one has the raw animation data, so we cannot add new animations. No one is about to recreate all the animations since that is effectivly impossible for mod teams. If someone could make a GLA compiler that CLEANLY decompiles the animation data, it might work. This is assuming that decompiling the GLA format is even mathematically possible.

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Emon, this is not entirely the case.


It is possible to construct a system in code that can manipulate the Ghoul2 skeleton. The animations included with JK2 are the ones that are created with SoftImage, yes, they are viewable with ModView, but it is still possible to construct a UI interface inside JK2 that can modify Ghoul2.


While you might not be able to understand the usefulness of this 'manipulation', and while it is like pulling teeth compared to more conventional means of animation, Ghoul2 has animation capabilities that are beyond what is viewable inside ModView.


For instance, everytime you pop a weapon, you go from one WeaponReady anim to a Weapon "PutAway" anim to a new Weapon Ready anim. The fluidity of this exchange isn't handled by the pre-formed SoftImage animations (otherwise, there'd be a separate animation for every state changing to every other state), it is because the Ghoul2 animation system thinks:


1)Where my skeleton is now

2)Where does it need to be


And does it's own animation blending and skeletal manipulation on it's own. Almost flawlessly.


The key is, that skeletal manipulation and animation overrides are also possible through code.

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There are code overrides that can be performed, hence the skeleton. From an interview with Ken Hoekstra done by PCShooter.com lists "The ability to override any skeletal bone and have programmer-controlled body joints" as a bonus feature to Ghoul2's true skeletal animation structure.


People have been going about animation the OLD way, because animators are not programmers and programmers are not animators.


Yes, you've said it before, this is very very very difficult, yada yada yada. It is.


Anything worth doing is difficult.


the article is http://www.pcshooter.com/interviews/sof2/sof2.htm, and while there are big differences between SOF2's ghoul2 and JK2's, the article is pertinent, nonetheless.

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