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A few questions for those who have read 'Silmarillion'!


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Just a few questions for you who know;


1.Are Gandalf, Saruman & Sauron humans? I heard that they are of a foreign race that landed on the shores of middle earth under mysterious circumstances. Any chance of a lesson in their history?


2.What happened to the Dwarven kings who held the rings? I can't remember if that was covered LotR the book, it isn't in the film.



Before anyone says read it, I have a stack of 6 books that I have prioritised. :eek: Although I will get around to it one day!

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1. They are Maiar. An immortal race from the undying lands that were created to aid the Valar in the contsruction of the world. They tke on the forms of old men when they come to ME. There powers are also limited on ME.


Sauron was the right hand man of the first great evil. Morgoth (sp?). Morgoth is the one who brought about evil in Middle Earth. "Orcs, Trolls, etc..." All twisted evil versions of the good. Orcs = Elves, Trolls = Ents, etc.


Sauron survived after Morgoth was cast out of this world and he came to the elves many years later, disguised as an elf. He gained their good favor and convinced them to make all those rings.


After Sauron's first downfall, three wizards were sent to ME to await his return and aid the men of ME to defeat him when he did return. "Sauron, Gandalf, Radagast"


One of the elven ring bearers saw Gandalf to be the wisest and seeing that Gandalf would need help, he gave Gandalf his ring. The one that restored men's will or something like that.


Before those three, two blue wizards came over but they wondered far into the east.


Tom Bombodil is also a Maiar but nobody knows how he came to ME.






2. They all were killed I believe and all their rings were consumed by dragons and/or lost.



It's been a while so forgive me if this info is screwy and/or messed up. :D

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Gandalf, Saruman and Sauron are not humans. They are members of an ancient race called the Ainur. The Ainur and subdivided into many different divisions. Those three belong to the same division, the Maiar. This is where similarities end. Gandalf and Saruman are members of a special group of Maiar called the Istari, more commonly known as wizards. Sauron is a descendant of Aulë one of the Valar, the fourteen powerful spirits that entered the world (Arda) to combat the evil of Melkor. Istari are descendants of Manwë, another of the Valar and brother to Melkor. And yes, they are immortal.


The seven rings given to the dwarves had very little effect on them, for they seemed to be more resistant to the rings' effects than other mortal races. Sauron wasn't able to have them under his control as a result. It is likely that the dwarves, being miners and who valued precious items, kept them safe and secret and used them very little.

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