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Hey, dont get me wrong, I have no problem with people new to the game. I just wonder what causes them to be so thickheaded sometimes.


If I had my sabre up last time you fired at me with that charged up Bryar 4 times and you got hurt and died, why on earth are you going to try it again?


If I dodged that DFA and red chopped the back of your neck the last 5 times you tried it, why are you going to try it again?




I guess Gooey said it right: It attracts a much bigger audience, and all we can do is give them tips and hope they have learned enough to look at the top of the screen and read the messages. (or hope they're old enough to read)



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Originally posted by darthraptor52

Messages at the top of the screen arn't there for long... I know you can jsut go to the console but you shouldn't have to, really... They just need to stay there for a couple more seconds if their longer messages.


Now this I agree with, compared to other games/engines, the Q3 one is notorious for leaving messages hanging in the air for about 4 milliseconds... Did they expect every q3 gamer to be so dedicated that he had no time to chat?


And why did they make the text font huge neon green letters? I can fking read small, disctrete letters any day, I'm not retarded ffs.

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Originally posted by Luc Solar

I just kick 'em, and eventually they shut up and leave.


.....just like my dog and my wife :D:rolleyes:




I'd normally say something about that disclaimer. It kinda detracts from the humor of the statement. But then I remember that you have to add these sorts of things in even mildly offensive posts here at LucasForums because nobody here has a sense of humor.

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But then I remember that you have to add these sorts of things in even mildly offensive posts here at LucasForums because nobody here has a sense of humor.


HEY! I take offense at that! I have a great sense of humor! I'm insulted! How dare you insult me like that! [/joke]



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