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Jedi Numbers

"thA dekMan"

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Off topic: Long time no see... what you've been up to?


On topic: The true number of jedi also depends on another thing: how efficient/powergaming jedi will be ingame. If a good marksman can kill most jedi easily, they will be less popular, especially in PvP. If jedi are almost invincible (i.e. can block all blasters, choke at will and run faster than a speeder), they will be more popular. Again, this is unknown until after beta and the tweakings that will follow (I guess jedi will be tweaked and gimped a lot. It's one of those professions that is hard to make fun and true to the background, yet not overwhelming when compared to all other players).

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offtopic: one word...MORRWOINd..its kept me off the galaxies ;) but now im dont with it



i dont really care about being a jedi....i wanna be a politician....but so many people are willing to drp their profession that they worked so hard to get into to be a jedi...why??...i mean in real life it would be cool having never to get up to make some sanwiches :) but com'n its a gmae i dont think it will that much fun making things float around the room with the mouse ...if they implement it ...anyone agree...

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wow I kinda forgot about this thread and look at it now.



But for you people saying most people wont have the dedication to finish off the training, I remember the devs saying that even casual gamers can do it. Unless they mean even a casual gamer who decides to become hardcore can :p. But hey I don't even want to be a jedi, but I mean if i'm force sensitive thats cool and i'll be one lol.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Oh my god! Why don't people understand Force Sensitivity in SWG? Because I'm not in the mood to wright down a essay on Jedi, I'm going to tell you to go to the last page of the huge Jedi thread and read my section on Force Sensitivity and how everyone has it to some extent. Just go their, it'll be worth using your eyesight.

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well look at it this way: the Emperor has cloning chambers in the EU, he uses those colning chambers to make a clone of one of the jedi masters before the disolution of the senate. put the 2 together and look at the possibilities.... in EU of course, which the devs said they looked at...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I do not wish to even follow the jedi path. From what i assume in order to become force sensitive the path will prevail its self based on your decisions and attitudes...even your faith in such a task. I will help guide past apprentices and friends alike to follow the path to gain the title...However i plan to just travel the game and learn what the game has in store :)

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