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Jabba The Hunt

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At last after 3 weeks to trying to get linux I have Red Hat 7.2 Installed and working (well its a bit slower than windows for some reason (ill ask a friend later :D)(unless any of you guys have the answer hint hint)


Anyway Its doing something that it shouldnt be doing, its sharing the internet connection with my Windows ME machine BEFORE ive set up the network on the Linux machine (it wasnt supposed to do this anyway let alone beforehand)


So anyways im happy, now im just trying to find a way to get on to the msn messenger protcool from linux :D


Dont want to have to make the program myself :D

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Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt

So why do you hate linux?


when I spend like 2-3 hours reformatting installing a new OS....then it decides to be BUGGY and not let me chmod anything from being 777 and wont play nice with my nic card, I tend to get pissed......

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Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt

Linux isnt designed for windows USERS, its designed for people who know what they are doing, so they can get things set up how they want, Linux doesnt go ahead and set things up how it thinks you want them, it waits for you to set it up.




Not only do I have grasp of the basics of unix, I had my friend who was one of the systems administrators with me who used red hat on a daily basis. Do you even know what CHMOD is????


plus, BSD is better ;)

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UGH, to make things WORSE, my UNIX OPERATING SYSTEM class that I am taking this fall, teh Prof just released the book we need, its A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO LINUX


WTF'inF...they have a separate LINUX class, if I wanted to know linux that I woulda taken that ONE.

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