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Midgit Yoda

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Well I guess seeing as I have already gotten as far as I am on undoing the stuff that needs undoing and then re-doing it the correct way, and the fact that PIo and Boba asked me to, I might as well. Untill further notice, all my other projects are on hold and I am going to complete Trebor. I have him already in game but the UVMapping job on that isn't too hot (can't get a skin on him) so I'm re-doing that and reweighting it and re-linking it. Expect an update in about a day or two.

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I will finish him it's just I'm deciding on what to do at the present moment. Tomorrow I will work on him. Right now I am going 2 bed (thank god Truweedsmoka was banned.... again. lol read the KKK thread. He's coming after my "nigger" ass (since I am black and all. OH WAIT I'm not black hmmm. Odd I thought I was lol j/k he's stupid)

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Oops, my bad, im sorry. I didnt read up^^ there. Cant you export it from gmax as a .md3 file and open in back up in 3ds max? I thought i did that one time.. Or did i convert it from 3dsmax and open in gmax?


Well goodluck anyhow...

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Heh, tha'd be cool. If I ever get any help with uvwrap sh|t i'd make a KKK and a german nazi model lol. Hey dont hate me cause i hate:P Dont be a hate hater hater thingy mabober. Heh..


Geez now that i said that no one will help me. That probley dont matter since i gave up:P


Cant wait for you to finish the model tho:P


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I don't have Milkshape for one. Does anyone know of a good MD3 Importer for 3dSMax. I think that might be my problem b/c sometimes it throws loading errors at me sometimes it doesn't. A link would be appreciated! Thanks. I've been reworking him a bit in Gmax but so far have decided that I absolutely can't stand Gmax but I'm still workin on him hehe.

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Okay I have been working for hours on redoing most of the robe alone. Now I am detaching all of the parts (because for some reason everything was together...???). Anyway. I have quite a bit of remodeling to do even before I get to the UVMapping so, it may be a while before he's finished (a lot of vertex's are completely out of place.). I'll upload some screens later today. Hopefully you'll like them. I'm using the one with the robe.

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