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Funniest things you done in JKII.

Guardian Omega

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I have two. One is that when I was playing on the JK++ CTF server. I recovered the flag afterwords and died. I noticed the flagger in our team had the flag, but didn't notice our flag was returned. So I had to do this: Grip the flagger and make him touch the flag and it worked!


Another is with the homing rocket. I homed on an enemy flagger who ran and jumped like heck. It was so funny seeing the rocket go cork-screwy and take bizzare patterns and finally hit him.

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I was playing a friend and he launched a homing rocket on me.

I jumped really high and it went straight up and killed me midair.

I landed when I was already lying flat and we both cracked up.



And once on NS hideout in the room of almost bottomless boxes at the end of the room there was a box I had to pull to get up on the ledge. I jumped up, pulled the box to me, It hit me and It knocked me over the edge (that wasnt very funny but it was stupid)



On single player Right after I enabled saberrealisticcobat 20 I ran up to a stormtrooper, crouched, got up and his head, torso, hand,

leg and arm got cut up :)

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CTF bespin


scored 1 point in a CTF against some total jerks who said no one has ever come close to beating them. Then once I stole their flag again, me and my buddy gripped eachother up on top of the pipes and just sat there where no one could see me. I went to walk my dog and when I came back the 20 minutes had ran out. We won 1 to zero. Muhahahahahahahaha so much for never losing!


Moral of the story, don't be a jerk cause there is ALWAYS someone who will beat you.

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In CTF_Bespin, i snuck in to the opponent's base (with mind trick) and saw the two flag defender's screwing around standing on each other, so i got an evil idea ;)

I got real close and pushed , and BOTH of them fell off of their platform to their doom, lmao i it was so funny i had to stop midway and type "lmao!" while they were chaseing me! Damn those are the times you wish you had a demo recording.

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Also while sniping in warring factions this guy stole our flag and then killed 4 of my team members. He decided to to stop and type "haha you losers! none of you stand a chance"


Since I am a nice guy I waited for the little console thing to vanish before reminding him of how dumb it is to stay still in Sniper land (warring factions)


Moral: no matter how good you may be, snipers can kill you anyway so keep moving.


- Fatal Out

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In single-player, I was messing around with no clipping and I accidentally got my saber stuck inside an AT-AT. I think I must have turned clipping back on immediately after throwing it. I could hear it rattling around inside, but I couldn't get it back, even after I tried turning clipping back off and going in to look for it. I couldn't switch to another weapon, so Kyle was just running around holding his hand out. Eventually the saber came back, but it took ages.

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this isn't waht i did but a friend did it


they were on a duel map (the one with the ship in it) and one was looking around and said "where are you?" and then the other came down off the top wing of the ship and hit him with a DFA:)


then we tried to make a video of it...but we failed a million times and ended up dying to fall damage and/or not killing the other so we tried doing a little damage to the other so that a dfa would kill him...ended up killing him before we could start

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