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Star Wars Episode I TC, staff wanted


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Ok, well how can i say this.....


Earlier today i was mucking around on the Otah Gunga map with the Jar-Jar model. Then i got the idea for a EPI TC including Gun-guns....


So...For this i need skilled:




And all the other jobs can't think of right now.


I'm Hoping to change everything in JKII, and maybe use some maps already made with some luck and permission.


I may even try and get gun-guns to have spears not light sabers(based on the dual bladed saber)


So reply saying if your interested and say what you do.


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3 tomatoes are walking down the street. Baby tomatoe is lagging behind. Papa tomato goes back and smacks the baby tomato and says, "Catch up."


You have the "joke" mostly right except the papa tomato goes back and steps on the baby tomato and says "ketch up"!



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Well, im gunna do the actual pod race as an extract from the DVD probably but with enough staff there will be stuff to do on tattooine, if we get some really kewl people we could actually race in the pod race as anakin but at this rate don't get your hopes up, i need loads more staff

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i got a idea for the pod race, know in like the last part or kejim when you have to use that mouse droid, you can change that model into a small podracer, and make a scaled down map so it seems like its full sized, the only problem would be that you could stop in a second and go backwards.

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