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W.I.P. - Sasee Tiin


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Good start. The face is going to need a lot of work, though. Eyes need to be farther apart, I would make the head not as tall, and the bridge of his nose needs to come up between the eyes and meet his forehead. You might want to work on making the horn curves smoother. Right now they look almost like they're head-tails resting on his shoulders. Since the head is what will make this Saesee Tiin, you should put a lot of effort into making it as precise a match as possible.


I would also recomend ditching the folds at the ends of his sleeves. Long, baggy sleeves like that wouldn't bunch up, especially at the ends. I would make them featureless and then use the skin to show wrinkles/folds. This will save you a bunch of polys.

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Thx for the help. About the sleaves though...I added the things on the ends cuz I couldn't make it sorta sink inside at the end of the arms. Instead it was just a flat surface at the ends of the arms. Mabey cuz of the shape I used...might need to fix that :( . I'll add some hands and feet and work on his head a lot more.

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you need to spread the eye's and brows apart a bit and make the horns a bit bigger and make em hang a tad bit lower on his chest. Also on the cloak my might wanna add a little bit of depth. I mean like make it a little tighter on him so he doesn't looks so, plain. Also maybe make his chest a little bit smaller. I am impressed though, that's a good first model (my first sucked royaly)

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I've worked on it a bit more..changing around facial things. I think its not his horns that need to be bigger, but his face needs to be not so wide. I got a pic of him facing the front...its only a small one though and he has his hood on. If anyone can find a good front view of his face..that would be nice. And also I dun really know what his belt looks like.:(

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Here's one that might be helpful for the head:




Not a direct front shot, but you can pick up a lot of the detail for his head.


Here's one a bit more distant, but has good front, side, back views:




Thats the best I could find for now, hope it helps :)

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Thx for the pics...2nd one is a huge help:D .

Need some more crits on the face. I know the body needs work...chest big time:mad: . I'm having some trouble shaping the face perfectly.....I move one vertex and it messes it all up:p . Oh well I'm trying.


Saesee Tiin


I think once I start skinning him...I should be able to make him look a hell of a lot better...his skin is pretty kewl lookin.

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Well I took a break from the model a bit...but I have fixed his head a bit more. May be asking a lot but...could I send my model to someone so they can model the hands and feet for me...and UVW map it....unless there is a good tutorial on UVW mapping that i have yet to see.


-For the hands...do I need to get the skeleton or whatever to help model them...cuz I never did anything like that.

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