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Jedi Mod v1.2 bind question!


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Does anyone know how to bind a specific saber colour and saber hilt in Jedi Mod v1.2. I currently have my model and name bound to a key but I would like to add saber color and hilt to it! I've read through all the readme's but I can't seem to find anything regarding this.


Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thank You. :)

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Straight from my configuration file:


set darkcolors "tck_red1 255; tck_green1 0; tck_blue1 0; tck_red2 255; tck_green2 0; tck_blue2 0"

set yodacolors "tck_red1 96; tck_green1 202; tck_blue1 16; tck_red2 96; tck_green2 202; tck_blue2 16"

set lightcolors "tck_red1 0; tck_green1 0; tck_blue1 255; tck_red2 0; tck_green2 255; tck_blue2 0"

set darkpowers "seta ForcePowers 7-2-031330231000012332; forcechanged;"

set lightpowers "seta ForcePowers 7-1-331311000330000332; forcechanged;"

set maulmodel "model maul; hilt maul; hilt2 maul; vstr darkpowers; vstr darkcolors;"

set yodamodel "model yoda; hilt yoda; hilt2 yoda; vstr lightpowers; vstr yodacolors;"


Add the name command and bind maulmodel, yodamodel or whatever you wanna call the variable to a key. (bind X vstr maulmodel)



PS. If you did'nt know, this requires you to have tck_saber set to 1.


If you want the standard sabercolors, the command is "set color1 X" where X is a number 1-6.


Have fun with this!


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Thanks for the reply Zworgy but I'm afraid I didn't understand any of that! :confused:


My current bind is:


/bind m "model sirrya/default; name -]H-P[-Lexx"


Am I correct in thinking to add saber color and hilt it would be:


/bind m "model sirrya/default; name -]H-P[-Lexx; color 6; hilt gold"

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unbind m


// Player select 1

set p-1 "set name ^7-]^1H^3-^2P^7[-^6Lexx; model sirrya/default; color1 6; hilt gold; set player-1 vstr p-2"

set p-2 "set name ^3-^7]^1H^3-^1P^7[^3-^6Lexx; model sirrya/default; color1 6; hilt gold; set player-1 vstr p-1"

set player-1 "vstr p-1"

bind m "vstr player-1"




the stuff that's in bold you can change to w/e you want, you press m and it'll do what you wanted, you press m again and it'll do how ever you change the bold, press m again and it'll be the way you wanted, and so on...don't forget, this has to be in a cfg file. (look how to make one below).


1. open any folder

2. Tools

3. Folder Options

4. View

5. uncheck Hide extantions for known file types.


-creat a text file (.txt)


now it's named whatever.txt, rename that to autoexec.cfg


whatever.txt >> autoexec.cfg


open it, make sure the above script is in there (it's in between the //---------------------------------------------- things), stick the autoexec.cfg in your Base folder


C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\base (by default)


hope that helps :)

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If you type into the console tck_saber 0, or turn them off in the color menu, then you can just bind Color1 x (x being the color), just like you would in a normal game.


Now, if you want to use the custom colors, firsst either make sure in the color menu both use color options say yes, or type tck_saber 1. If you type in tck_dualcolor 1 then the blades can be two different colors. You can manually type in the color codes one at a time, but personally I just use scripts to change saber colors and hilts. Heres an example of one I use:


//Aayla hilts and blades


set "aaylahilt"

hilt "aayla";

tck_red1 0;

tck_green1 50;

tck_blue1 200;

hilt2 "q_quinlan";

tck_red2 0;

tck_green2 255;

tck_blue2 0;


bind kp_numlock "vstr aaylahilt"




If you don't know how to do a script, then maybe this will help. First, create a new text file, preferably with Notepad. Your first line should describe what the script does or use; make sure you put // first, that makes the computer ignore that line (if it didn't ignore it the file would mess up). Go down a space or so, and type set "variable". In your case, you might replace variable with sirryahilts for example. Next put hilt "hiltname", making sure to use quotes, they're very important. Also, end each line after the set line with with a semicolon ( ; ). Then type in the color values you want (thats what the tck_red1 etc. are). If you want to use a second saber with a different hilt, just repeat, but adding in the number 2 where appropriate, as shown in my example. Then put an empty space, the put bind (key you don't use) "vstr variable", again like in my example. The //end isn't necessary, it's just something I do. It is important to put two line spaces after your last line, however. I don't know why, it just is.


Now, save the file as a .cfg file. Mine is saved as aaylahilt.cfg. If it comes up .cfg.txt (like this: aayla.cfg.txt), just rename it from the folder. Then right click on the file, choose Open With, and pick Notepad. Now Notepad will be able to open .cfg files like text files. Put the file in your Gamedata/base folder. When you play a game, type in your console bind (key) exec filename.cfg. Then push that key and it should work.


Using my example, it will give you Aayla Secura's hilt with a pale blue/turquoise blade for primary, and Quinlon Vos' hilt with a bright green blade for secondary.






(My lengthy as hell post for the day :p )

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Thanks guys for all the help! :thumbsup:


All that autoexec.cfg stuff is too complicated for me, I like to keep things simple, so I figured it out using your posts as a guide.


I managed to get it to work using this bind:


/bind m "model sirrya/default; name -]^1H^3-^2P^7[-^6Lexx^7; hilt gold; color1 5"


Here is a list of saber color numbers for anyone else who wants to use this bind:


color1 X (X=color of your choice)








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Kent H, you posted the same as me but in a more complicated way... ;)


here is what I used when I just started scripting


// Font colors

// ^0 = Black

// ^1 = Red

// ^2 = Green

// ^3 = Yellow

// ^4 = Blue

// ^5 = Cyan

// ^6 = Magenta

// ^7 = White


// Saber colors [0-5: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple/magenta]

bind F5 "set color1 0"

bind F6 "set color1 1"

bind F7 "set color1 2"

bind F8 "set color1 3"

bind F9 "set color1 4"

bind F10 "set color1 5"


and lexx, stick this in your base folder, can't get any easier then this ;)Click Here to Download the AutoExec.cfg


any scripts you find, add it in here (autoexec.cfg)


hope THAT helps ;)

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I don't know that it's that much more complicated, afterall I know jack about this stuff in general and I can do scripts like this. Heh, I just barely made a C in the one programming class I've taken. The only things I know how to do in-system are scripts, mostly to change things like models, colors, and binds (I'm working on actual force powers), and bot programming, which I've just begun to learn.


But when it comes to hardware, modeling, skinning, mapping, etc. I am completely clueless.

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