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WIP - Pablo-Jill


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mest, this guys saesee tiin


i mite model him, but im not sure, ive gotten alot of suggestions but so im not sure which one to do yet...


and rekked, record the taunts from the ones that u listed, u listed some good ones, record them, like "use the force", "youll soon be dead", do all them, i wanna hear wut they sound like, thx. just post em on this thread.

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k guys, grafox just e-mailed me bak sayin that hes really busy and cant uvmap it. hes doin trebor [which im happy about:D ]

but ya, ima get the video on uvmapping and do it myself...well at least try, if i have any problems ill post a help message or somethin, but im now beginning the uvmaps for pablo-jill. so wish me luck guys!

and keep the suggestions comin for my next model...its not FOR SURE that im doin tiin...still wanna see wut everyone thinks:)

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Hey dAno, if you haven't started the uvmapping on Pablo's head yet I have one more suggestion.


I think the area around his mouth? (umm where us humans have our forehead) is a little on the square-ish side. This problem is mostly visible from the front view, but can also be seen as the forehead area goes around the sides of the head. I hope that makes sense. ;)


But if you're already into uvmapping the head, its okay.


Let us know how you're doing!

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hey guys sorry for the update lack, but ive been real busy this week wit stuff around town and skool, plus ive been workin on me and my friends webpage [u can see it in my sig] lately so...thats wut ive been doin.


i watched the video for doing the uvmapping, so i kno wut im doin now, and ill get started as soon as possible guys.


about the Saesee Tiin thing fro my next model...i dunno about that cuz i think i read someone else is makin him, so hes outta the question...i dunno who else to do guys..?

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heh u really like the site?


its still a w.i.p. at the moment, and we are currently getting some new stuff up and going.


basically its me, dano, and our friend andrew, and he got a video camera, and we decided to make a starwars movie. First it was really ghetto cuz we were just fooling around, but now we have gotten serious and decided to redo.


Dans been responsible for putting the website together, and I've been doing all the graphics to put it there.


We will be making updates as often as we can, so if u wanna keep going back then we are all for it :p.


All of us are getting used to rotoscoping and such, and hope this will turn out to be a fun project, and mebe we can get an art credit for highschool. hah.


and dan, why not do umz... i forget her name lol, something like weasal... the bounty hunter gurl, at the start of epii.

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guys, ive been tryin to uvmap the head for about the past hour and a half and i still cant seem to get it rite..i dunno if its the model or wut. i watched the video on it and i kno how to do it but it ust isnt workin. i cant figure out what edges to select to do it, and when i select em and edit it, i dont kno how to change em around to make em stay in the rite shape without overlapping....any help would be good, if u want i can send u the model and maybe someone could see if its the model or just me that sux at uvmapping:p plez someone help! either post or e-mail me at d_ano@hotmail.com

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guys, im not giving up the model, but im giving up uvmapping on this model. im pretty busy rite now wit skool and my movie [again check the sig for the website] and i think that if i map Pablo-Jill, itll be all messed up and all wrong. i kno alot of u people love this model, and so do i. i wanna get this guy in game eventually, but it needs to be uvmapped first....grafox is really busy he said so he cant do it rite now. if anyone else is willing to help me out and uvmap it for me, continue in the process, u will get full support of the model once its released. if no one wants to, then i guess this model is just gonna sit here on my comp and no progress will occur unless someone else does it for now. im sorry guys, but thats how its gotta be rite now. so plez, someone respond to this and help me and the community out by taking the next step in getting Pablo-Jill into jk2...:)

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Ask Toonces to take over Pablo-Jill for you. After all, he's taking over Tex's Qui-Gon Jinn model!!!


Also, I do believe Yareal Poof is possible.


Just make a very thin humanoid shaped torso, legs, arms, hands, and feet. Then make a Jedi robe that falls down to the feet.

Then make a very long neck and a small head. Attach the neck bones to the long neck's base, and just forget about the facial bones because those will not be possible to attach.


Then all you have to do is scale him appropriately in Jedimod.


When it comes down to Yareal's movements, the long neck and small head will move with the neck bones attached to it's base. The only thing that would be sacrificed here would be any fluid neck movements, because the neck would remain stiff. But Yareal Poof's species are invertebrates (no spinal bones).


See here...



Therefore, there would be very little movement in the neck area anyway (unless of course, the neck was jointed like an arm or leg would be). But, all in all, I think it would be fine to have it stay rigid.


The only real issue to contend with would be any clipping issues the neck would go through when the model goes into it's roll animations. But I think that would be easy enough to ignore, if the neck was attached properly.


Oh yeah, almost forgot. I think Zam Wessel would also be a good choice to make. There is a lack of good female models in JKII. And, of course, Zam is just down right cool!



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ya padawan, i think its between Yareal Poof and Zam Wessel for my next model...but rite now im worryd about this model. man, i would love for toonces to help me out, but im just gonna let him decide if he wants to take over by reading this post! i dont wanna be rude cuz i kno hes busy, but him or grafox r the 2 guys id love to see take over him...hopefully toonces replys or has even read this thread before.

anyone else thats willing to take over post here plez.

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sweet guys, if u havent been followin my other thread

HELP - uvmapping - Pablo-Jill

then u mite wanna kno that KevinCoyle will be takin the next step and uvmapping Pablo-Jill for me, hes gonna make updates on this thread once he has updates.

he said hes also gonna skin it to. ill ask him for the mappin after hes done cuz i wanna give it a try skinnin, and ill also let u guys skin it if ud like.

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