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WIP - Pablo-Jill


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hey dAno i just d/led your model and hes got a few problems with him.

his entire body is made up of many different meshes that still have their original names, like cylinder01 and so forth.

did you read the tutorial that comes with the JK2 tools? because it explains every part of how the model should be.

there arent any caps, the foot isnt attached to the leg and the fingers arent attached to the hand, so itll deform badly.

also you should really fit this guy to the skeleton before you uvwmap.

oh and i strongly suggest that you use facets when doing all of your work, you dont ever need smooth.

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Yeah, this model isn't ready to be mapped or setup for the game for the reasons Madjai stated. Read the tutorial that Madjai mentioned in the previous post so you know how the model should be before it is uvwmapped and setup for Jedi Knight. If you want, I could get the model ready for you, I don't mind, but it will require alot of changes and won't be entirely your model anymore, it's up to you. If you decide you want to fix the model yourself, and you have questions not explained in the tutorial you can e-mail me at KevinCoyle@nc.rr.com.

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ya see thats wut i wuz worried about guys, i expected that. lol

aw well, it just started wit me foolin around and decided to make em, i didnt really read any tuts on modeling except for modeling. not specific ones for jk2. sorry guys.


hey kevincoyle, i dont mind if u fix em up and change the model around, i wanna see this guy in game! so do what u want with em, just post on this thread when u gto updatez, thx alot guys, specially coyle, u roc man. so ya, just post if u kno for sure that u wanna do this guy urself, thx!

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I god! I totally forgot!


I'm so sorry! I promess you it went out of my mind after exams! I'll see if i can tape them today, 'cause tomorrow i'm giving my computer out to the Fujitsu guys to see if they can repair my CPU Vent. Hope I can upload them tonight.


And again: SORRY






:( :( :(

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Rekked, if you need any taunt ideas, try these:


"I will die for the Republic!"

"I am Pablo-Jill."

"The Separatist will not succeed!"

"I will fight to the very end!"

"The Republic shall not be destroyed!"

"The force is my ally."

"I serve the force and the Republic!"


Just some ideas. :D

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Thanks dAno, I'm glad you like the taunt ideas!


Well actually the "I am Pablo-Jill" line was going to be "I am Jedi Master Pablo-Jill" (which would have sounded cool in Spanish), but I checked out the Star Wars database and found out that Pablo wasn't a master; he was only a knight. So, I decided to drop the "Jedi Master" part. :p


So dAno, do you plan on continuing modeling? You know, after Kevin is done fixing up Pablo you could study what he did, and learn from it. That way, if you decide to make another model, you would have a heads up on what exactly needs to be done to it.



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Those are cool taunts to record, 'cause they are longer than the ones that I was going to tape... and sound better. The shorter, the worse one understands it. So, still no word from the Fujitsu People... Ill get them as soon as i can

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padawan_7, i do plan on continuin, i love modelin and i think as i keep doin it ill get better. i hope kevin kinda goes through the process with me so ya i can learn better and get better. i wanna do other work but as for the time rite now, im kinda busy makin my website so i dont got time for modelin rite now. i will continue prolly after pablo-jill's in game.


hey rekked, wut do u mean no work from the fujitsu people...?

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Unfortunately, I don’t. :(


I have gmax, and I do fairly well with it, but I don't have 3dsmax. So, I kind of stubbornly refuse to get in to any real modeling project because I know that I can't complete any model without 3dsmax. Plus, I go to college, so I don’t have a whole lot of free time on my hands. :)

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bump! lol

hey i wuz just looking up jk2 sites and i came across one called http://www.jedimoves.com

and i went to skin requests and there a request for Pablo Jill and it posts all my pics so far of the model, i thought it was cool cept i wish i knew about it before i went there, lol i dunno, i just thought it wuz kool that they had Pablo there, the more support the better! hopefully kevincoyle can finish off his obi wan soon and get started on this guy eh...

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hey dANO im the guy who runs jedimoves.com and posted your model...... great job man, oh and i thought i had writen you letting you know, oh well everyone that comments on your model is happy with the progress so far, hopefully it will be finish soon :)


and to everyone who wants to see all of this models pictures can visit




under the request page

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