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ROTJ Luke skin...


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Great skin, hope you guys are able to adjust the model so it can be perfect :D


About Luke using Force Grip - In the Jedi Knight games, true it's a dark side power, but in reality (or reality as far as the Star Wars Universe goes), there is no such thing as a Dark Side power. Force Lightning, for example, has always been associated with the Dark Side, but it's used by good Jedi. In the game Jedi Starfighter, Force Lightning is one of your weapons when flying the Jedi Starfighter. This is something that is being developed in the latest Expanded Universe books, in the New Jedi Order series. To get a LOT of insight into the Force that will change your thinking of it, read the latest book, Traitor. The basics of it is there is no Dark Side of the Force, just The Force. What makes it the Dark Side is what it's used for. If you blast someone with Force Lightning to defend yourself, theres nothing really wrong with that. If you rain Force Lightning down on someone who is writhing on the floor, clearly already subdued, definitely evil.


If you look at it this way, if Luke had whipped out his lightsaber and cut the guards down, would anyone have thought twice about it? They were surely going to attack him, so it would have been self defense. Instead he uses Force Grip and cuts off their air supply, but only temporarily. In that situation, he really took the least evil approach possible :)

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Originally posted by BradFu

The basics of it is there is no Dark Side of the Force, just The Force. What makes it the Dark Side is what it's used for. If you blast someone with Force Lightning to defend yourself, theres nothing really wrong with that. If you rain Force Lightning down on someone who is writhing on the floor, clearly already subdued, definitely evil.


and like kman posted earlier, luke only had a little bit of help from yoda and ben ... he was pretty much flying by the seat of his pants.


i'm currently reading Dark Force Rising (book 2 of the thrawn trilogy), and luke's having a really hard time about what is right and what is wrong force-wise. if he uses a mind trick on a stormtrooper is he dabbling with the dark side? ahh, decisions decisions.


anyway, arco, great work on the skin. hopefully toonces will hook you up with a modified luke to skin. i don't have huge problems with raven's version (except for his *BLEEP* hair), but ANYTHING would be a great addition to the game.

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I have the Luke model in max now, I'm going to redo some of it, it's a very nice model, but not quite how I'd do Luke. I'm gonna use the head because it's a very good likeness, but I'm going to re-build/adjust the parts that "bug" me


I'll have to move this into the modeling forum soon, before I get too off topic ;)




Powered by Sith :lightning

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Originally posted by Deetox187

hehe yeah but its pretty imformative, i was just reading Mark Hammil's bio and found out something i didn't know


Though unfortunately after Star Wars: A New Hope, Mark landed in a car accident that altered his facial features and thus was the reason why the Wampa scenes in ESB were added.


Thats a trip, if he didn't get in that car accident there would never have been a Wampa! i just can't imagine what ESB would've been like without that classic scene in the Wampa cave where Luke pulls the lightsaber to save himself. :p


Actually, according to an interview with Mark Hamill himself in one of the latest Star Wars insider magazine denies that. That scene was always in the movie and George Lucas had always had it in there. However, most unauthorized biographies of Mark Hamill still hold that belief that the scene was made because of Mark's accident.

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That scene was always there, but Luke was not going to get hit in the face is what I read. They used that excuse as why Luke face looked different (The scars he will carry for the rest of his life because the bacta was not able to heal the dead tissue). Also, you never knew that he was in a wreck? I believe it was during "Corvette Summer" is what he was filming when he got hurt.

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