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WIP: Rancor

Twisted Vertex

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Well, Jabba is nearing completion, I am going to start on the Rancor model. I have been going through the basics of softimage the past couple of days, and I feel I am pretty much ready to tackle this task. I had a lot of fun (maybe a little bit of frustration) with the render tree. I am going to re-weight jabba in softimage, becasue they don't use envelopes, they use a paint brush, So all you have to do is select the bone and paint the apprioate verts.


So I am going to be starting the Rancor model very shortly, If anybody has some KILLER refernce pictures, then please post them, for I am attempting to look for a good profile shot.

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Ok, I have my reference Pics......Which are totally uselss as a viewport image, becasue I found nothing in a front view or a profile shot. The images are of the toy Rancor. I am going to attempt to sketch him out, and then scan him in, But I am loading up softimage right now and going to start. I will have screen shortly.

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I don't recall everything seeing anything like that. Though I have nothing to show, But I have much to tell. I went through some tutorials for low-poly modeling in softimage. I coudn't figure out what was equlivant to the mesh smoth modifier. I finally found it, I guess all you have to do is hit the plus key. I can't wait until I uv mapp this guy.....NO SARCASM...

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Ok here's a pic, I am sorta winging It, I am constently on the xsibase.com forums asking questions, I have figure out a good deal this far. So this is what i have SO far, Please tell me what i can do with the feet and such, I would like this part squared away before I move up the torso.

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Ok here's a pic, I am sorta winging It, I am constently on the xsibase.com forums asking questions, I have figure out a good deal this far. So this is what i have SO far, Please tell me what i can do with the feet and such, I would like this part squared away before I move up the torso.



I realize the feet are a bit funky, I am going to implament a third toe, and lessen up the angle's that seperate them, meaning they won't be at 90 degrees.



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