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Maximum Matrix


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I think your heading in the right direction w/ these models, but after looking at the pics again i'd say the models need a lot of work.. it's obvious that they were rushed, bc all they are is extrusions w/ triggers and hammers. Try to round stuff off like the handels and barrels etc.. i know most ppl play jk2 in 3rd person (as do i) but for the sake of those who will be using first, make the models at least half-way decent.. and yet again i say get a skinner haha

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Those weapons are lovely. Where can one get more info on your Matrix mod?


Also: There are two very early models of Neo and Trinity on these same forums by Oddjob. He is giving them away to whoever is willing to finish them. If your interested....

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I must say I HAVE a problem. When people show off work, PLEASE for the LOVE OF GOD, use good lighting. Your not making artwork, your making models for a video game. So there is no need to postion the models, and add funky lighting. We are here to critique and help out, but we can't do that when we are unable to see the image properly.


For those of you who don't understand. Use the Default global lighting. then make the background grey, a very nice light grey. Then postion the images next to each other and display front/side/back/top......etc......You can achieve this by editing your rendors in photoshop.

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