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Ender's Game Mod


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First, some background...in the (excellent) novel Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card, groups of soldier-children were grouped into armies and pitted against each other in "battlerooms" in space, with the scores of each Army kept and the best commanders advanced to command training. The Battleroom is a large cubical room on a space station, in zero-g, filled with various obstacles. Each Army starts on one side of the Battleroom, space-suited, and has to defeat the other Army by shooting guns that "freeze" whatever portion of the sapcesuit they hit.


I am making a basic Battleroom map, which can be reconfigured for various battles (I'll post a collection of a couple different Battleroom scenarios whenI finish). These are zero-g maps, so things could get interesting. :) However, i like the idea of actually making an Ender's Game mod...but my coding skills are nonexistant. So here's what I would need in it:


1. Reworking the zero-gravity navigation system. If a player moves (jump/crouch, forwqard/backward, strafe) in free-fall, they should move a little. But if they are next to something to push off of, they should get extra velocity (if there's a wall to my left and I hit "strafe right," i should effectively force jump to the right). Also, the player should be able to rotate 360 degrees on the lateral axis...look down, and keep looking down until you're looking straight UP, etc. Maybe reworking the controls to a sort of yaw/pitch/roll setup.


2. Two weapons are available: one is the Battle School "flash gun," one is a grappling hook. The "flash gun" primary fire shoots a beam that "freezes" enemies' space suits. I think players should have a certain number of hit points, and take damage according to an area-based system, and as HP goes down the player's movement should become more sluggish until they cannot move at all (HP 0). In the novel, the object was to disable most of / all the opponent's soldiers, and disabled ones became floating hazards to be avoided. :) The secondary fire of the flash gun is a pinpoint spotlight (white in FFA games, red/blue in CTF/TFFA).


Anyone interested in writing the codes necessary? I think it could be fun. I will, as I asid, shortly post a pack of Battleroom maps, for FFA/TFFA/CTF use, with normal weapons (although I bet the saber is no where near as useful in zero-g). If you're interested, email me at josephshoer@hotmail.com or just post here.

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Man, I read that book in Jr. High, it was indeed excellent. I tried reading Speaker For the Dead afterwards, but I think I was too young for it. I got Ender's Shadow a year or two ago though, and that one is great as well.


Any thoughts on a 'battleroom' game type, perhaps last-man-standing sort of thing, where you'll need at least five players alive to push the corners and enter the portal, etc?

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dude go try Speaker for the Dead again.

one of the best books ever. period.


I would certainly play this mod if its gets made.


but i cant offer any help. i'm having all i can do right now

to learn Radiant and Icarus scipting...


hmm too bad the Q3 enginge doesnt have multiple gravity capability like Serious Sam...

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This is funny! Nobody know how to fix that prob!! But..... Maybe my answer doesnt work :( welll........Try this.....


Set g_speed to about 50-100


Keep the gravity at 0. By seting g_speed to 50-100 you slow down the players run speed. Im not sure if you can do that in Radiant...I've never tried.

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