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Originally posted by JM Qui-Gon Jinn

1. Nuclear bombs in Japan 1945, hundreds of thousands die because US wants to check how effective it is.

2. Vietnam war

3. W. Bush as president.


1)we werent testing it and how dare you say so. we used it because of our anger, japan attacked civilians as well as millitary targets, have you ever experienced something like this.


2)vietnam is a mistake? just because we were fighting someone elses war and sacrificed our lives to set things right in a country makes it a mistake?


3)what do you have agenct bush, because hes a republican? he is not going to screw around like our last president and he has a whole lot more people in his administration who are not going to screw around. he will make sure that binladen will be brought to justice and avenge the civilians hat died on sep. 11



please dont talk about things that you know nothing about

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Every country is bad in its own way. America is vastly populated and has a lot of ppl. When ppl say that there are a lot of poor people here that is right. Then there are people who have money coming out of there wazoo. If we were to take away there money and give it to people that needed it, it wouldn't be right. This is the land of the free. There are people who have come here to get a better life and they have. It just doesn't take a while to reach you're goals and dreams. If people try they will get what they want. It is all a matter of how bad they want it.


You can go to other country's and see the problems that they have. Every country has a good side and bad side. No matter how hard people try there will never be a full communist country or Eutopia. There is always going to be a ass**ole that wiil want more or be jealouse of other people's things. There are people who are jerk's and just ignorant everywhere. Every country is bad but you will never see it. Country's look out for themselves first and then other's. There is no country that will help out another if it will hurt them. They always look for some gain.


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<Camus> ...

<Camus> da**it...

<Camus> :(

<YomThyne> what

<Camus> I have to write 2 articals...

<Camus> 2 paraghraps each...

<YomThyne> why

<Camus> british lit...

<Camus> and the way thes brits in the forums are acting...

<Camus> I dont really want to mess with this course any more...

<Camus> :(

<YomThyne> why

<YomThyne> ???

<Camus> a bunch of them have no respect for the USA...

<Camus> :(

<Camus> Britian is the USAs parant country...

<Camus> :(

<Camus> We are getting shunned...

<Camus> ...

<YomThyne> but why are u writing the articals

<Camus> british lit...

<Camus> its an assignment...

<Camus> :(

<YomThyne> oh ok



Im sorry but... some of you are really starting to upset me... :( Im half british... I shouldt feel bad... but the thought that I am from a bunch of arrogent people that dont really want to look into the politics of my country does really really upset me... :( You think you know everything about america... but you dont... Youve mostlikely never been here... "Guns are bad people die in america because lots of guns and crime!!!" :( I live in Oklahoma... There are few problems around her like that... People think that what they hear about the USA is 100% correct... but they dont want to listen to the USAs side of the story... Thats why we live in the USA... freedom... libery... the procute of happness... Freedom of the press is one of our freedoms... You can read one artical and read one thing... go to a diffrint source... and read the about the samething but its always going to be slightly diffrent... Just because you think our government sucks... dont forget... Common law is our base of punishment here... If you know what Common law is and where it comes from... You should relize that our structure is diffrent in ways but its mapped off of diffrent systems... We have a little bit of most governments in our government... Geeze... if my last government teacher was to see half this stuff he would be sh**ing bricks... Because... Most of you cant even understand what its like over because youve mostlikly never been here...

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Originally posted by Darth Knight

i am also half english, i was born in germany, i am also half irish, that is why i am not reading any more of this thread...well.....ok....not any more


lol thats intresting my other half is made up the same... lol Irish and German... lol

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Well, I just want to say some things.


About WWII, the USA decided not to join at first, just as it decided not to join in WWI right at the beginning. This, like everything in the else can not be changed. Because the US was not involved in the war, it's economy was going well, what with it selling supplies and such to Europe. That's why when the US was attacked by Japan and joined, it turned the tides so much. A fresh country suddenly joins the fight, with plenty of money, equipment and men. Without a doubt the US turned the tides, just don't forget about all the other countries that fought in the war. They played just as important a role in their own way. I don't wanna sound to pretensious, but being Canadian, I just want to say that Canada had a role that gets downplayed a lot. Canada sent over 600, 000 troops to Europe. This was when Canada's population was about 6 million, so that's 10 percent of our entire population that got sent over. So don't say we never did anything for you :D


The main reason for the Truman document was that the US learned their lesson the first time around. After WWI, Germany was left to pay for all the damage done in WWI. It was quite rediculous actually, telephone poles were actually taken from Germany to be placed in France, to replace the ones damaged during the war.:eyeraise The world sunk into a depression after WWI, caused by Europe's now mangled economy. Germany of course was not pleased with the raw deal it got, and eventually a leader who gave the people something to hate, and created work, rose to power. And thus WWII was started. So after the war, the US had the strongest economy because they entered the war later and were quickly becoming a world power, they thought it best to rebuild Europe, in the hopes that a depression would be avoided, and another war wouldn't happen. Thankfully it worked, and that is how US started on it's rise to the World power it is today.


The reason the US went to Vietnam was because it was a communist country, the great scourge that communism was, hah. I can't see now why everyone was so scared of it, but then again, these are very different times. Communism is not so bad, I mean, it's a wonderful idea, an "Ideal", if you will. It's a prefect society, I mean, throw a God in there somewhere and you have religion. But the US went to Vietnam because they were afraid communism would spread to the surrounding countries. Going there was a really, really bad idea, as pretty much everyone, the US included, now knows. That's why sorry, but yes Whitedragon, I believe Vietnam was a mistake. It can't be changed now, but you can always learn from mistakes, and that's what has happened. The US now knows that communism is a flawed system, and will not work out. Which is why they're not rushing to attack China. All the "old guard" in China are now beginning to die off, and this will leave the younger leaders who want a change. It won't be totally like the US, or very dramatic, but I expect there will be a change.


As for Bush, I just plain don't like the guy. I don't have much confidence in him, and I find his intelligence to be somewhat...lacking. He's doing his best though, but to me he just truly doesn't seem like President material. That's just my opinion of course.


And to go off topic a bit, I'm Lebanese, Irish, Scottish, English, French, and a little native American, which in total adds up to 100% pure, beer drinkin', hockey playin', maple syrup lovin'...



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Originally posted by -=Chi3f=-






Did I just read that?! Rediculous! . Ask a REAL vet what Vietnam was, like my father. Ask a REAL vet what WW2 was, like my Grand-father. Watch what you say before you say it! You have no idea what the REAL world is like.



This thread changes nothing. This thread has no purpose






Debate all you want. Some of you are well informed while others aren't. Some of you have strong opinions while others base their arguments on facts. It's all the same. I'm not going to waste my time stating the facts only to have a mis-informed person flame it. Pointless.










This thread changes nothing. This thread has no purpose






Don't judge me by where I live. I was born, raised, and proud to be an American citizen. Nothing you say will ever change that.




I gotta go with this guy. This thread is a waste of webspace. I was born in the U.S. and I love to live here. I wouldn't change it for anything, especially some guy who hates the U.S. for no apparent reason.

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Originally posted by Cal_da_Darth


I gotta go with this guy. This thread is a waste of webspace. I was born in the U.S. and I love to live here. I wouldn't change it for anything, especially some guy who hates the U.S. for no apparent reason.



a agree with you but we are just having a good debate on stuff, we are not trying to change it, most of us are not getting mad

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