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Yes, I would call someone a stuck-up prick in real life if I felt they deserved the remark. In this sort of unserious situation, I would probably say it with a smile implying no offence, but reminding them that thier actions were, well... stuck-up and prick-like=)



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If I were to accidentally step on someone's shoe while walking down the street and he were to get into a rage over me "smudging his pumas" (thx to Chris Rock :p), of course I'd apologize


hmm.. if I'm reading this right, the analogy should be this..


'If I were to accidentally step on someone's toe, then continue to stomp on his toes while he askes me to stop to which I reply that I'm not stepping on his toes, I'm stepping on his shoes, should I question why he wants me to apologize?'



from what I'm reading shock asked for him to stop and got a smart ass response. /shrug.. imo that's rude regardless if its a 'virtual world' or not.


My advice, don't go to their server again.. no reason to.. plenty of good servers out there with good respectful people..

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just chill about this...whoever it was that was doing this was only goofing around. We are just as much a fun loving clan as we are respectful...whoever did this to you..perhaps they should have stopped when asked...but it was only in fun that they did it anyway. Just chill...it's really not that big a deal. And what those 2 people did does not represent the whole clan so don't bad mouth the rest of us for their actions...that is quite unfair. Well that's about all the wisdom i have to share with you today...good day gentlmen

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You guys, Simply put.



Some person was draining shield/attackin saber down, whoop de freakin DOO


Drop it, its O.K. some ppl dont care about walkin a few sec.s away to get another shield pack.


Also, this flaiming buisnes is really irratating, if you seriously need to drag something this simple on for so damn long, u SHOULD be shot.


Let it rest.

[OoS]Padame :amidala:




P.S. ShockV1.89 if you are intentionaly spelling "Cath" wrong, you are a moron, if its som1 else, you probly are still spellin it wrong. :p

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Also, this flaiming buisnes is really irratating, if you seriously need to drag something this simple on for so damn long, u SHOULD be shot.

P.S. ShockV1.89 if you are intentionaly spelling "Cath" wrong, you are a moron, if its som1 else, you probly are still spellin it wrong. :p


[sarcasm]Yeah, this flaming business is really irritating, I dont know why its being dragged on... [/sarcasm] It's either a typo, or I saw that Rad spelled it "Carth" and that was the first thing that came to mind. If you're so offended by it, you are a moron.


Again, someone needs clarification: I DID NOT CARE ABOUT THE SHIELDS. IT WAS THE FACT THAT THEY JUST CALLED SABRE DOWN=PEACE, AND THEN ATTACKED ME SABRE DOWN THAT GOT ME MAD. Damnit, why is this so hard for some people to understand? Allow me to quote myself, for further clarification...



It's not the shields that annoyed me. I can easily replace those, as well as the health. It was the hypocracy of the whole thing. These very clan members were, just 10 minutes prior to this incident, flaming someone for attacking sabredown.



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I am very, VERY close to retracting my appology acceptance after one of the actions of an 0oS member (Obi2) on not their server, but on another's server. Coming on and asking an admin to kick me is not advisable, ESPECIALLY when MY brother happens to be in the same clan and the person doing the kicking happens to be the premo donna of the entire clan. Either you tell him to cool his guns or I start pulling strings.

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