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My return to Jedi Outcast


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Back when 1.03 was the latest thing I left for the Air Force. When I left, I left a game that was crippled with one kill saber moves, ideas just coming into being (jedimod/promod), the forums loaded with ASC-SC flame wars, and a lot of people doing nothing but whine. Three months later upon my return, I found that 3 out of 4 of those problems have been completely fixed (damn whining noobs). I was shocked to see saber combat had been balanced out (it can still use a little work, but Artifex's Promod looks like it does to saber combat, what should have been done when the game was released). With the latest Jedimod, the introduction of dual bladed and two saber combat, brings a fresh new take on saber combat. It's also nice to see that the ASC and the SC have finally seemed to calm down.

It seems that the saberist/gunner argument will never end, and there will always be some interesting idea that gets exploited (the shrinking/growing feature in Jedimod is an excellent example). There will always be room for improvement, but as the weeks go by, JK2 gets better and better, and it won't be long before it reaches perfection.


On a seperate note, I really believe that Artifex and the creaters of Jedimod need to team up to create the ultimate mod. I really believe that if Jedimod and Promod were combined, JK2 would become perfect.

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Glad to see your coming back to play. Yeah, 1.04 got rid of a lot of spamming of one move, and put back alot better saber fighting. Just wait until the total coversion mods start getting finished then we will have even more fun with this game.


And I also like the JediMod and Promod they improve some of the thing lacking with the saber fights.

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A ProMod merge with JediMod might be possible sometime in the future, but right now I'm concentrating on getting ProMod's core gameplay to the point where choosing to play it over the official 1.04 version becomes a no-brainer.


Merging with any other mod would be a huge undertaking, as it's not an automated process. It would involve me going through the code and adding JediMod features to the ProMod source one by one. That'd take a lot of time. Time better spent perfecting the gameflow.

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Originally posted by ArtifeX

A ProMod merge with JediMod might be possible sometime in the future, but right now I'm concentrating on getting ProMod's core gameplay to the point where choosing to play it over the official 1.04 version becomes a no-brainer.


Merging with any other mod would be a huge undertaking, as it's not an automated process. It would involve me going through the code and adding JediMod features to the ProMod source one by one. That'd take a lot of time. Time better spent perfecting the gameflow.




less posting, more coding... hehe


Come on mate everyones getting well antsy waiting for next version.

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Originally posted by Dracofyre

On a seperate note, I really believe that Artifex and the creaters of Jedimod need to team up to create the ultimate mod. I really believe that if Jedimod and Promod were combined, JK2 would become perfect.


Yeah man that would rock, also control over damage for each swing (like DuelSE) would be good for those that like to customize play for their preferred way of playing.


Ie - our regular players on hermes place prefer long fights as opposed to two hit battles.

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Originally posted by Jah Warrior


Yeah man that would rock, also control over damage for each swing (like DuelSE) would be good for those that like to customize play for their preferred way of playing.


Ie - our regular players on hermes place prefer long fights as opposed to two hit battles.


Remember that the g_saberDamageScale is still functional in ProMod. I would be extremely hesitant to allow per-swing damage customizeability, as it would be impossible for someone new to ProMod to know what to expect from server to server. It would also be much more difficult to find a server with default values set that would allow you to practice for tournaments and ladders if you needed to.

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Well... welcome back to JK2.


I personally think that simpilly bringing JediMod and ProMod will not be very good. Something need to change when they combind.


Well, for one, have two sabers and a duelsaber have some use expect being cool looking. :D:)

Things like duel saber special moves (minimal blocking from behind too) and two saber special moves (ummm beter defense breaking? :confused: ) To balence this so that people don't chage sabers in the middle of a battle, have players pick there saber type before the battle (like in the force configuration menu, you options only change when yoiu respawn.

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