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JK2 Animation Thread


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Originally posted by Primesghost

When you think about it, it makes a lot of sense that way actually. You wouldn't want a player to be able to perform a bunch of keypress combos and be able to just sit back and watch his character fight would you? Or go the other way with it, during a saber fight a player may make several button presses per second, woudn't it suck if the game cached them all and made you watch while they played out?


True, but it makes multiple-button-press moves harder to do. If you have a millisecond buffer it allows players to be non-prefect with their button presses. Without a buffer, you MUST press all the keys at the exact same time to execute the move. This means you should hold down the buttons for a certian move (until it executes) instead of just tapping the buttons.

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the bounding boxes are just stupid simple boxes.

defined with your origin and view angles.

so if a player is turned to 45° from the level y axis he is easier to hit !


i think someone in the quake world forum did an octogonal bounding box, and an other dude did a model hit detection but it used too much the cpu.


look at the bg_pmove.c

and check the mins and maxs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok maybe I'm just a lot slower and stupider then you guys but I am still not in understanding...


Lets say that I want to call the animation BOTH_HOP_B


So The call is:




And assuming that I want this animation to be activated through a command, where do I put this call statement

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Ok the in g_cmds.c there is this under loveandpeace:


else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "loveandpeace") == 0 && CheatsOk( ent ))
	trace_t tr;
	vec3_t fPos;

	AngleVectors(ent->client->ps.viewangles, fPos, 0, 0);

	fPos[0] = ent->client->ps.origin[0] + fPos[0]*40;
	fPos[1] = ent->client->ps.origin[1] + fPos[1]*40;
	fPos[2] = ent->client->ps.origin[2] + fPos[2]*40;

	trap_Trace(&tr, ent->client->ps.origin, 0, 0, fPos, ent->s.number, ent->clipmask);

	if (tr.entityNum < MAX_CLIENTS && tr.entityNum != ent->s.number)
		gentity_t *other = &g_entities[tr.entityNum];

		if (other && other->inuse && other->client)
			vec3_t entDir;
			vec3_t otherDir;
			vec3_t entAngles;
			vec3_t otherAngles;

			if (ent->client->ps.weapon == WP_SABER && !ent->client->ps.saberHolstered)

			if (other->client->ps.weapon == WP_SABER && !other->client->ps.saberHolstered)

			if ((ent->client->ps.weapon != WP_SABER || ent->client->ps.saberHolstered) &&
				(other->client->ps.weapon != WP_SABER || other->client->ps.saberHolstered))
				VectorSubtract( other->client->ps.origin, ent->client->ps.origin, otherDir );
				VectorCopy( ent->client->ps.viewangles, entAngles );
				entAngles[YAW] = vectoyaw( otherDir );
				SetClientViewAngle( ent, entAngles );

				ent->client->ps.saberMove = LS_NONE;
				ent->client->ps.saberBlocked = 0;
				ent->client->ps.saberBlocking = 0;

				VectorSubtract( ent->client->ps.origin, other->client->ps.origin, entDir );
				VectorCopy( other->client->ps.viewangles, otherAngles );
				otherAngles[YAW] = vectoyaw( entDir );
				SetClientViewAngle( other, otherAngles );

				other->client->ps.saberMove = LS_NONE;
				other->client->ps.saberBlocked = 0;
				other->client->ps.saberBlocking = 0;


So what does this have to do with calling the following code:



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PM_ functions are only avialable in bg_ files


if you have had a look at the code you posted you should have seen this function call:





Can you imagine for what it is?



And if you want to have a look at the function in which the code is. you'd nearly know all of your question

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