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Sometimes in multiplayer, an un open saber will still hurt someone standing next to you as if it were out. Also, sometimes I'll switch saber styles and it will say blue but he is actually doing red style.


I'm sure someone has found these already right?

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Originally posted by skeelo

Sometimes in multiplayer, an un open saber will still hurt someone standing next to you as if it were out. Also, sometimes I'll switch saber styles and it will say blue but he is actually doing red style.


There's an "exploit" that lets you have the invisible saber. It's not a biggie, though. It's pretty much like the "saber spin- or multicoloured saber-tricks.". Kinda fun/cool but not that useful.


Switching saber styles in mid-swing results in swinging with the style you started with even though your saber-stance-thingie shows you're using another stance.

It's very annoying to try to lunge after a red swing, but end up crouching and slllllllloooooooowwwlyy swinging with red.

Just pause for a sec...let go of your attack-button, and you'll be fine. :)

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I use the style switching bug for an advantage. If you start aa few swings in yellow then rotate to blue (Jedimod) you can land a fast air lunge on the before they know it or flip over then and do a quick backstab. Practice with it to come up with combos u like. You will end up with opponents that saw.....wtf how u do that!:D

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