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Don't download milkshape.


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Don't waste your time with this program. It's the easiest program for modeling weapons and such out there, but the support is horrible. Myself (and a few of my friends) got this program, paid the $20, and now every time we download an upgraded version we have to go this crappy ass support process of re-verifying our key every time we get the upgrade installed, because it thinks we registered AFTER the trial period had ended.


Don't waste your time. It's just a bunch of garbage coming from a guy trying to make more money off of people who let him.


EDIT: And another thing, it's no wonder there are so many cracks and bs programs out there for this thing. If it worked right in the first place, no one would need them. Hell, he won't even get the privilege of knowing that I never downloaded a hack for it, because I will no longer be his customer.

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Milkshape is a quality piece of software that is FULLY aware of the users that attempt to get by on cracking it. It is definitely worth the 20 dollars.


You have no need to go and bash a competent program just because you are too incompetent to follow the directions for it.


Maybe you should just give up modelling all together if you cannot manage your tools correctly.

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Or, you can pay the $20, then get an error when you upgrade and try to put the registration code you have in... It said if you register you get free upgrades until version 2.0, yet the program won't let you register once you upgrade. And yes, following the directions is key, we're not stupid...

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I'm sorry if I work on a different logic system than you, Chrono. That said, you still have no room to argue. I'm sorry if I know how to optimize my polies better than you on something that is hardly seen in the first place.


If you would like to turn this into an open flame war, by all means it would be interesting to see you try. But that still doesn't explain why you are too incompetent to understand a program as simple (and inexpensive) as Milkshape 3d.



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lol, here we go:


I'm sorry if I work on a different logic system than you, Chrono. That said, you still have no room to argue.


About what exactly? What am I arguing about? If this is in reference to my rant about milkshape I am making a very valid point.


I'm sorry if I know how to optimize my polies better than you on something that is hardly seen in the first place.


Optimize your polys? How the hell can you optimize POLYS *note the correct spelling, jackass* when you only make sabers that have no volume? They are all the same uniform width! Don't talk to me about optimizing models, because I've seen far better "optimizing" from better modelers. To call yourself an authority is just like saying Terry Bradshaw can sing.


If you would like to turn this into an open flame war, by all means it would be interesting to see you try.


Sorry quam, you don't need me to make you look like a jackass.


But that still doesn't explain why you are too incompetent to understand a program as simple (and inexpensive) as Milkshape 3d.


Ok. Well when your registered version suddenly stops responding every time you upgrade to the next one, and you have tried everything in the books to get it to work...then I guess that makes you incompetent. It's funny that you seem to understand milkshape (which no one understands it better than me, I'm awesome with it) better than everyone else, yet you can't seem to make a model worth a ****.


Whoops. Guess I didn't mean to start flaming, but you are hardly in a position to call me incompetent when you obviously haven't read my post thoroughly.


When tried many times to get the program to work have you - and successful you become, then incompetent will I be. Until then, shut up and go somewhere where our "incompetency with Milkshape" doesn't bother an "expert modeler" like yourself.


That guy's Maglite saber is even better then all of your work. Imagine that.

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hell, the maglite is better than your work, as well. That maglite is awesome.


Concerning my 'spelling':


POLYS or POLIES is short for POLYGONS. I do not think either one of us could correct the other on the usage of an abbreviation



I do not think you can take the title of knowing how to use milkshape if you cannot register the program. Thousands of other people have no doubt figured out how to register it. How come someone who knows it as well as you can cannot figure that out? Have you even tried emailing the guy?


But, whatever. The purpose of my post is not to flame you Chrono, but to point out the inaccuracies in your topic.


With that, [Public_Service_Announcement]


Milkshape is a very useful program for modellers in any field. It is very easy to use and can export a variety of model formats. The website offers .avi tutorials for new users as well as a forum for users to come together and discuss issues.


Milkshape is a bargain at $20. For the power that is featured within it, it is quite a deal. Many modellers use it-for modelling, skinning and/or animating. It features built-in support for Half-Life, Quake3 and many other popular 3d games.


It is simple to register if you follow the directions.


Do not let these complaints fool you. I have used it for over 2 years now. Do not try to hack/crack it -- Milkshape has a detection for it (and has the potential to screw with your work, as well).


Milkshape is quality :)


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Originally posted by -Chrono_MOT-

ok quamosity. first of all, I know how to register the program.


Got that? Good. Now if you'll excuse me I have to stop talking now, for fear that I might get drowned out by the people laughing at your pathetic shill of chumbawankasoft's program.


Have you ever contacted mete, the program author? If you REALLY have registered, he'd help you out.

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This is highly unproductive of you. Instead of flaming the software here, you could have e-mailed the author, posted in his forum adding information you beleive would help the program grow and become better. For those that actually paid for the program (includung me) they would have received a prompt response with information on how to solve the problem (I lost my e-mail that he sent that included the reg keys. So I sent him all of my info, and he promptly resent the registration notification within 24 hours.


Also, discussion of illegal activities (involving hacking, warez, and whatnot) are not to be discussed on the Lucasforums network.

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