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zero-g in multiplayer


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I'm making a zero-gravity map for multiplayer, and the concept, design, etc looks really neat, only one problem...I CAN NOT get the controls to work. At first, all I did was set the worldspawn key "gravity" to 0. I tested the map in jk2sp, and it worked fine (I point in any direction, even up/down, and push "w," and i move to there. jump/crouch also serves to go up/down). then I realized that I should test with jk2mp as well...and I found that as soon as I stepped off into space I zoomed around randomly at extremely high speed until i hit something, then stopped, if I moved the view the process repeated, until I ended up on the ground. Then, control were normal, until I jumped, in which case the process was repeated again. So, I figured I would change zero gravity to microgravity, and changed the gravity key to "1." Then, my player model was nicely suspended in midair, and there was no zooming around randomly...movement works fine...but I'm limited to the 2-D plane I started in...I can't go up or down at ALL, unless i jump off something, in which case i go up a little and never come down.


All I want is a free-fall map that acts like zero gravity in single player. How the hell do I accomplish this?


While I'm at it, is there a way to change the orientation of the "projectors" that hold weapons in MP? It looks kida silly for a suspended weapon to be projected from a device hanign in midair. It would be nicve if it could project from a nearby wall, instead.

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My problem is kinda hard to describe...I suggest all you gurus out there try it out...make a room, set worldspawn gravity to 0, make a little shelf to put an info_player_deathmatch on, and see what happens. Then change the worldspawn gravity to 1.


It works EXCELLENTLY in singleplayer, but when I try a devmap with jk2mp, it's fubar....

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Well....its SOOOOOO simple....


If you have a map like the one im gonna make(Based on Ender's Game)(a book) then you will have nowhere to stand.....


Set g_speed to.....welll......ummmm......hmmm.....



about 50-100



Keep the gravity at 0. By seting g_speed to 50-100 you slow down the players run speed. Im not sure if you can do that in Radiant...I've never tried.

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OK......I have been going throught threads looking for info on a certain thing.....Right after I posted the previous reply...I went to the forum thread list...scrolled down.....and there was a thread called "Ender's Game Mod"........I am very happy now....saves me a lot of trouble...

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