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Doom 3 and Quake 4 = Peer To Peer!


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"GameSpy: John also mentioned the basic way people would connect to games -- you'll have to go in all together as opposed to jumping on and off servers. Is that something that could change over time?


Tim Willits: That is actually more difficult to change. Due to the math and the physics and the way the calculations of the underlying code work, that would be the most conducive way of doing it.


However, that also opens up a lot of great possibilities for good front ends, where people can connect, chat, do voting, and then launch. If you look at Warcraft and Command & Conquer, these are popular multiplayer games that have that same launch system. People can obviously quit out at any time, but they won't be able to connect in. We'll have to be a little creative with our front end launchers and our servers ... but all that stuff will be worked out.


GameSpy: And all this applies to Quake 4 as well?


Tim Willits: Yes."






No dedicated servers - no leaving and coming back - no joining mid-game = the suck. :mad:

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Wow, not being able to join in the middle of a game, and no dedicated servers, that does suck.

*looks at titles of games* Oh, nevermind, this doesn't bother me in the least;)


I'm just glad JO multiplayer doesn't use that setup.


As long as Dark Forces 4 : Jedi Knight 3 : Jedi Outcast 2...

doesn't use those game engines, I could care less :D

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If you look at Warcraft and Command & Conquer, these are popular multiplayer games that have that same launch system.


This guy is a total dumbass.... The reason war3 and C&C are liek that is because they are RTS games, if you joined mid game you would get your ass kicked.

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This is why all my money's on UT 2003, and I still keep regretting that lucasarts (once again) had the Jk series built on another down-grade engine, if only they waited another year or so (perhaps just 6 months even!) they could have made Jk2 so much better using UT 2003's engine.


Instead they use an already-getting-old-engine like Q3's creating the same situation as they did with Jk1. If we're lucky, this trend will continue on till Jk3 and then it will probably use another semi-outdated engine (UT2003 engine IN 2008!) and by the time it comes out, the engine for Jk3 that they're using will already become old-fashioned.


Cheers ;)

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