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Bot AI - am I mis-reading here...???


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I looked through the AI code this afternoon and came to the part where the bot chooses which force to use. To my absolute surprise I found the bot only has a priority list and goes through this list! Am I mis-reading something here or is it really that simple...???


If there are sources for the bots decision-making other than ai_main.c someone know where...? Any experts comments? :)

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i haven't really read trough the bot code.. but the selection of which powers to use mostly depends on the current state of the enemy (range etc) but basically yeah :p


but ingame this is basically the same a player does.. if an enemy is near and they like using lighting, (and have enough power) they use it ;)


the problem is with the bots that they use it a little much.. (whenever they have the chance basically ;)) so that sometimes sucks during bot games :p

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If there are sources for the bots decision-making other than ai_main.c someone know where...?


Not that i've seen - i had to edit the code you're referring to in order to allow bots to use both light and dark powers, and it's just as simple as you think. The algorithm is very limited in regard to how a bot chooses which force power to use. That's why they spam lightning and stuff, like Eternal said.

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Do you think bots would benefit from a more complex/versatile behaviour...?


Certainly. But it would be more work than one might expect.

Tchouky and i are likely going to work together on adding some bot jetpack AI in the future. Tchouky already strapped a bot into a jetpack and it worked pretty well.


He's got a thread in here on the topic:


"bots and jetpacks : 1st test"


Check out the demo.

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I know it's some work... I'll be doing this on a university-basis. ;)


I am familiar with AI techniques and love computer games... so why not combine those two? *g* I'll give those a try: learning, knowledge bases, reasoning, search algorithms, planning, uncertainty, agents... First I'll have to choose which of those would have a practical impact.


What aspects of bots are most interesting to improve?

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Force power usage and combat intelligence(Force power usage intellect, using powers to thier advantage, absorb against lightning attacks, force push more in saber locks, force pushing more when force gripped, pushing people into pits, using their highest rated force powers, combining attacks, strategic thinking during lightsaber battles - hiding around corners, behind structures to prevent getting shot, sniping players)


I think bot AI should provide for improvisation. They should loosely follow the botroutes, improvising along the way depending on the situation.

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ASk: Neural networks would generally be sweet to teach the bots to play... but as you have said, it would take too much training time!


Maybe I'll try some reinforcement learning, combined with uncertainty and a suitable knowledge base...


keo718: Most important thing for me is "intelligent useage of force power", which probably is complex enough! ;) Next would be knowledge acquisition, getting to know the human players and some "action-guessing" from the bots... Don't know yet what I will be able to accomplish... ;)

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Oh! And control over lightsaber fighting styles! At the very least, control over which stances they prefer, but if you want to make this a long-term project, I'd seriously suggest different lightsaber "classes" for the player to choose from. And if you wanted to get REALLY ambitious, you could instead let the player decide the things that go into said "classes" and totally customize the way each bot fights individually. And I guess you could extend to other weapons... and perhaps a more complicated scripting system, at least for chatting, rather than the state-change stupidness of the .jkb format... Wow! I'm not sure if all that is possible or what, but wouldn't it be COOL? *grins, grumbles something about going back to the source code and learning some more*



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