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Coders: How practica/impractical is this?


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Just a thought for an addition to a jedimod based mod. I think it could bring a bit more balance to the dual/two saber weilding.


-The ability to break a dualbladed saber in half (to one saber-ex: Obi-wan vs Maul)

-The ability to destroy one saber if the opponent is weilding two at once(ex. Anakin vs. Dooku)

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I have no idea, but I like to believe that anything is possible, just a matter of finding a way. Of course there are some things that simply aren't possible, but I think this may be.


I honestly don't have time to look at it, but you might try breaking up everyone's saber into two seperate parts: blade and hilt. Then make checks to see if a player's blade passes through another player's hilt.


Keep in mind though, this would require a MAJOR rewrite of an a$$-load of the source as well as new models, animations, and skins for every saber.

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I am no coder, but a suggested could be that there would be some code that would say if the person wins the saberlock, then the double bladed would then become a dual saber... and the code would then prevent the same person from using a doublebladed until he/she dies. Also, if someone wins a dualsabered saber lock, one of the sabers would become inactive until he or she dies. same about preventing it from igniting again.. Is this possible.. i don't know... Could a coder check it out? Hopefully:)

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