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ProMod Beta 2 -- Released!


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Originally posted by crazyplaya73

It sounds good. I'll be putting it up on my server soon to try it out. Can you have multiple private duels at the same time in the FFA gametype with Promod?


Not at present. You can expect that to be in the next Beta version, though.

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I've only tested on bots so far, 20-30 fights, so bare that in mind with my comments. I noticed some weirdness that may or may not have been intentionally put into the mod, Is it me or are the backstabs spinnable 'sometimes' it seems that they can be turned, is this a bug? I ask because it happens intermittently. The same also applies for blue lunge, turnable a la 1.02 and again this is intermittent.


On a positive note, I do like the defense meters even if I am not quick enough thinking to watch them in-game. And also the startup screen is cool man, very nicely done.


I'll be back once I've got to play some real opponents.

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Originally posted by Jah Warrior



I've only tested on bots so far, 20-30 fights, so bare that in mind with my comments. I noticed some weirdness that may or may not have been intentionally put into the mod, Is it me or are the backstabs spinnable 'sometimes' it seems that they can be turned, is this a bug? I ask because it happens intermittently. The same also applies for blue lunge, turnable a la 1.02 and again this is intermittent.


On a positive note, I do like the defense meters even if I am not quick enough thinking to watch them in-game. And also the startup screen is cool man, very nicely done.


I'll be back once I've got to play some real opponents.


Think you could reproduce that at all? If you get to the point where you think you can, let me know. I had this happen only once, and I think it's related to having your defenses broken while in a special attack. It doesn't adversely affect the game in any way from what I saw, but I'd still like to nail that down.


Glad you liked the new startup screen art. I thought that'd help people realize that they weren't in Kansas anymore. :)

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Originally posted by ArtifeX


Think you could reproduce that at all? If you get to the point where you think you can, let me know. I had this happen only once, and I think it's related to having your defenses broken while in a special attack. It doesn't adversely affect the game in any way from what I saw, but I'd still like to nail that down.


Well the only way I can explain it is that occasionally it allows you to turn the backsweeps, as you say this could be a result of being attacked during the move which would sound like similar circumstances to when it happens to me. Would recording a demo of this be useful? so you can see how it happens, because it happens probably every 3 or 4 fights while I play. Knowing my luck the moment i start recording it will stop happening. hehe.


let me know...


ps. another question:-

is multi duel part of this beta? The documantation seems to suggest so but it is not abundantly clear.

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Originally posted by Orangina_Rouge

Only thing i found maybe too much is Red stance footspeed being faster since u can chain it and it was good in promod 1 for people who knew actually HOW to use it ...but need to test it further



have fun testing Heavy stance I know that I did!


Anyway if I could add my 2 cents-


Heavy in ProMod 1 was a joke. Sure you could chain it, and so what? Medium user had to do nothing more then press down attack and a Heavy user was minced before his second attack was out. A good heavy user v a good medium user in ProMod 1 ended in a dead heavy user 90% of the time.


The way JKII was designed was that

Medium Countered Light Stance

Heavy Countered Medium

Light Countered Heavy


If you play ProMod 2 and Run into a Heavy only user stop being a Medium addiict and switch to Light. When swings horizontal, rush in swinging, and you will parry his sabre and land to good hits.


However if you are a Medium only user then yes Heavy will seem annoying to you, but to bad. Heavy users have to switch stances to win duels and know hopefully so do medium users.



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Nope, the multi-ffa-duels is the first thing going into beta 3. I just didn't have the time to put that in before release. But, Beta 3's "killer app" is going to be a new gametype that may make multiple duels passe, anyway.


Originally posted by Jah Warrior


Well the only way I can explain it is that occasionally it allows you to turn the backsweeps, as you say this could be a result of being attacked during the move which would sound like similar circumstances to when it happens to me. Would recording a demo of this be useful? so you can see how it happens, because it happens probably every 3 or 4 fights while I play. Knowing my luck the moment i start recording it will stop happening. hehe.


let me know...


ps. another question:-

is multi duel part of this beta? The documantation seems to suggest so but it is not abundantly clear.

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ok so now I've had like 30 plus bouts against a real and experienced player. so here's what i think so far...


loads more enjoyable than beta 1 totally!!!


Getting used to the defense and offense meters so thats all good.


Damage is well, how can I put it? DEVESTATING!!! jeez man i wont even tell you what saberdamagescale wer had to use to get matched that lasted more than 20 seconds. Fair enough saber vs guns is ridiculaous as tsandard so I see why you hiked it up but in a duel not quite as enjoyable, but hey we've already discussed that.


Kicking with out force jump:( well I dont think that me and Artifex will agree on this but for me the whole point of no jump is to get rid of that stupid kicking whether it does damage or not, I just loathe kicking. I think you will find NFSO duellists resistant to this mod, and I know that now you get big damage from level three jump I will certainly be missing having jump enabled. and as such it restricts the usabilty of maps, just to get rid of kick damage. :confused: personally the ability to kick and wall run with no force jump is a bit daft. I know that you want to make a standard of sorts for competitive play but that does leave those that do not want to do competitive play out in the cold a little. A little control over wheter or not kick is enabled would really make this mod cool for those that want the benefits of your CSC (is that it) system, but only want to play for 'fun'.


Further to my previous comment about being able to spin backstabs and backsweeps, it also works for the DFA albeit it only happened once in the games I have played so far.


Rants aside this mod is now very enjoyable to use and as such I think this will become our servers mod of choice, especially when you get those multi duels running:D


Good work Artifex keep it up, suffice to say I'm sure I will be back once I have some more opinions to air.

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What am I doing wrong?


I log on to Hermes Place as usual, I start DLing a new mod, fair enough, but after that and trying to get into the game I get this:



Client/Server game




Ok, I go to LF and find this thread about the mod. I then figure maybe I didn't get the right files DLed, so I find Artifex' server as described in his sig, and I have no trouble entering his game, where I find the mod up and running with the meters and all.


So apparently I do have the files needed, so wondering why I can't log on to my favorite server and what this mismatch between me and the server is all about. It says it's running jedimod now...perhaps after having DLed the beta2 mod they interfere with eachother?


Any and all help would be appreciated, thanks.


EDIT: Another thing; so far as I can tell no new mod folder has been created alongside my other mod folders. Bear in mind despite of that I still logged onto and ran the mod fine on Artifex' server.

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Originally posted by Jubatus

What am I doing wrong?


I log on to Hermes Place as usual, I start DLing a new mod, fair enough, but after that and trying to get into the game I get this:



Client/Server game




Ok, I go to LF and find this thread about the mod. I then figure maybe I didn't get the right files DLed, so I find Artifex' server as described in his sig, and I have no trouble entering his game, where I find the mod up and running with the meters and all.


So apparently I do have the files needed, so wondering why I can't log on to my favorite server and what this mismatch between me and the server is all about. It says it's running jedimod now...perhaps after having DLed the beta2 mod they interfere with eachother?


Any and all help would be appreciated, thanks.


EDIT: Another thing; so far as I can tell no new mod folder has been created alongside my other mod folders. Bear in mind despite of that I still logged onto and ran the mod fine on Artifex' server.


What appears to be happening here is that the server you're going to hasn't been updated correctly, or hasn't updated at all. Can you contact the admin of that server and let them know there's a problem? Let him know he can contact me directly at arsartifex@msn.com if he's having trouble. Helping out server admins is always my top priority.

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heh, I usually just stick to the modeling forums, but I had to post here and say you've out done yourself again Artifex :D Beta 2 is awesome :)


One minor suggestion. One of the things Jedi Mod did right (cool mod, not realalistic saber fighting) was the saber throw knockdown, you might want to consider putting that in, I just liked the fact that if you throw at somebody and they block it dead center they lost their saber for a few seconds, seemed more realalistic.


Back to Max, then to Promod ;)




Powered by Sith :lightning

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Don't worry, knocking sabers out of the air is on my list for Beta 3.


Originally posted by Toonces

heh, I usually just stick to the modeling forums, but I had to post here and say you've out done yourself again Artifex :D Beta 2 is awesome :)


One minor suggestion. One of the things Jedi Mod did right (cool mod, not realalistic saber fighting) was the saber throw knockdown, you might want to consider putting that in, I just liked the fact that if you throw at somebody and they block it dead center they lost their saber for a few seconds, seemed more realalistic.


Back to Max, then to Promod ;)




Powered by Sith :lightning

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Originally posted by ArtifeX


What appears to be happening here is that the server you're going to hasn't been updated correctly, or hasn't updated at all. Can you contact the admin of that server and let them know there's a problem? Let him know he can contact me directly at arsartifex@msn.com if he's having trouble. Helping out server admins is always my top priority.


Got it figured out...seems the folder beta2 created was named the same as promod so upon DLing it directly from a server it must have replaced it and maybe that way caused some id problems...anyway made a seperate folder for it and DLed it again from a JK site and put it into said folder.


One thing about beta2: The special move blocking....not sure what else to call it; it's when your yellow finisher (and maybe blue lunge too...not sure) is blocked from the beginning. All you accomplish is making a small jump backwards as if you'd hit some invisible barrier. I hope you know of what I'm speaking. It's really annoying as it disrupts the flow of ones game.


This bug didn't come with beta2, it has been around since 1.03 I think.

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1:- When you made this mod what gametype did you have in mind?


2:- Could you please perhaps clarify how to change the colours of the CSC crosshair as the readme is not clear on this - ie a bit technical for mere mortals.


3:- Have you been fiddling with the distance required to do a yellow finisher? as outlined in Jubatus' post the jumpy blocky thintg is happening an awful lot, It does seem that a yellow finisher is only really possible when right on top of opponent.

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Originally posted by Jah Warrior

1:- When you made this mod what gametype did you have in mind?


I wasn't specifically thinking of a gametype, but ProMod Beta 1 was pretty saber-centric. Beta 2 has a bunch more factors that effect other weapons (like the sniper fire changes). I'm looking forward to playing some CTF and TDM with the new settings.


2:- Could you please perhaps clarify how to change the colours of the CSC crosshair as the readme is not clear on this - ie a bit technical for mere mortals.


Granted! Check the homepage for the in-progress strategies page. http://www.oculis.org/promod/


3:- Have you been fiddling with the distance required to do a yellow finisher? as outlined in Jubatus' post the jumpy blocky thintg is happening an awful lot, It does seem that a yellow finisher is only really possible when right on top of opponent.


Nope, not a single change to the medium finisher range. Same as 1.04.

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You're right about that coming with 1.03. It's because the special moves are all uninterruptible animations. There's some wacky logic in there handling all that. I'll stick this on my bug list and have it fixed in Beta 3.


Originally posted by Jubatus


Got it figured out...seems the folder beta2 created was named the same as promod so upon DLing it directly from a server it must have replaced it and maybe that way caused some id problems...anyway made a seperate folder for it and DLed it again from a JK site and put it into said folder.


One thing about beta2: The special move blocking....not sure what else to call it; it's when your yellow finisher (and maybe blue lunge too...not sure) is blocked from the beginning. All you accomplish is making a small jump backwards as if you'd hit some invisible barrier. I hope you know of what I'm speaking. It's really annoying as it disrupts the flow of ones game.


This bug didn't come with beta2, it has been around since 1.03 I think.

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Originally posted by ArtifeX

You're right about that coming with 1.03. It's because the special moves are all uninterruptible animations. There's some wacky logic in there handling all that. I'll stick this on my bug list and have it fixed in Beta 3.



You de man :D Keep up the good work; I'm sure we are legions appreciating it.

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Originally posted by ArtifeX

You're right about that coming with 1.03. It's because the special moves are all uninterruptible animations. There's some wacky logic in there handling all that. I'll stick this on my bug list and have it fixed in Beta 3.



LOL if you fix that damn bug then I'll have to put you on my Christmas card list man, and I know Jubatus will be eternally grateful too...


Who knows maybe promod will turn JK2 into a finished article instead of the collection of bugs and exploitable moves that it seems to be up till now!!!:D

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Originally posted by zerowingzero

Damn you Jah, i joined to see these 10 second flat duels you keep speaking of, but with your custom maps and lack of finding the map elsewhere, i just let it dl in the background (at 2kb/s!) And by the time it was done, everyone was gone :(



We will meet again someday...



LOL, we waited as long as we could dude, but my fave show was on - OZ you may have heard of it.


Anyways the map pack u want is ente's pad pack available at jedioutcastmaps.com, and its well worth getting hold of. You wouldnt have seen any 10 second duels, LOL damage is set at 0.3 and don't think about flaming me for that, myself and the regulars checked it out and that was the only sensible damage rating.


Hope to see you soon bro,

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First off....



Come play Praxeum Knights Promod Servers



Praxeum Knights Saber Only FFA - Promod Beta 2

- Jedi Knight Force

- Saber Only


Praxeum Knights CTF - Promod Beta 2

- Jedi Master Force

- Full Weapons



Both servers have the newest versions of the many of the greatest skins and models out there for the game. Custom maps will be coming soon. (need more regulars first :) )



Sadly I haven't had enough time to really test out beta 2 yet. But from what I've seen....


1. Love the new startup screen, for sure not Kansas no mo..

2. 100/25 after duel is good, but no multi duel? I know next release. :(

3. SP Style saber throw blocking, Would very much like to see in next release along with #2. :)

Good to hear it is coming though.

4. Love the offensive/defensive bonus guages. Jesus this mod just keeps getting better. :)




I have to say I really love this freaking mod. I consider it the savior of all things JK2. Really what JK2 should of been from day one. Artifex like you I really hope to get more CTF action in, but as it goes I'm the only one on the planet running a promod CTF server, and I have no traffic. LOL. Sad but true, hoping that will change so I can see if its good for CTF. Anyway us FFA'ers aside from that love it. hehe

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Originally posted by Jah Warrior



LOL, we waited as long as we could dude, but my fave show was on - OZ you may have heard of it.







Lol seriously, if you watch seinfeld you have to see the snl parody with jerry in Oz, it's frigin funny

Anyways the map pack u want is ente's pad pack available at jedioutcastmaps.com, and its well worth getting hold of. You wouldnt have seen any 10 second duels, LOL damage is set at 0.3 and don't think about flaming me for that, myself and the regulars checked it out and that was the only sensible damage rating.



Me= lazy for dling individual maps, i'd rather let it dl at 2kb/s and go for a walk




And you and your damn "Fast and furious" duels, how are they to fast? How do you play exactly? With both players going for a downward axe chop in red at the same time? You and your crazysettings.

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Ah man the only way to explain it is that our server settings simply encourage use of all moves many times in a duel, you really have to get stuck in there to get some damage and we love it, honest!!! It brings a greater tactical element into the game i feel, and it also makes comebacks possible. If you get like most of your health taken form a normal hit you are done for in default damage settings, with it lowered a comeback is attainable.


To prove my point, I can safely say that on our server there is not a single player that for instance only uses Red, or Yellow or blue, everyone uses all stances and this is because they know that with lower damage its not worth jst using red or just using finishers, all the moves do their bit of damage and it comes together with some brilliant and I mean BRILLIANT fights.


It may be an acquired taste and sure it may not suit those that like to get a couple of hits and win, what it does do is make it bloody good fun! F'real!!! ask any of the regulars - jais druid lexx, jubatus sosky clem and so on.


He he maybe I should call the server Hermes Place the home of endurance duels!!!:D

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I gotta make you a demo of some 3 min duels i had with others, Damage isnt really insane, in nf it takes three clean yellow hits, two red, or many many blue, and i've used lotsa moves with the current setting, i have style swich bound to mousewheeldown at the disadvanatge of nerver swiching weapons :S


The keys is, if your good enough you can be able to evade most moves at close range, as well as move accordingly to minimize damage.


.30? what is that? 20 damage per clean yellow hit? It has to be a real aquired taste, like watching baseball or grass grow. (No offence, but how long do your duels last? 10 min each?)

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I'm a huge fan of this mod ... I'm really hoping that it can virtually replace the default jk2. Having said that, I have just a few suggestions.


Please don't forget to eventually deal with the bots aim/difficulty issue. I for one get a huge kick out of slaying bots when i don't feel like finding an online server. It shouldn't be too hard to give bots of any given difficulty a range of 'hit scores' to determine defence breaking etc (this is coming from someone who's never modded before of course:p ).


This second suggestion is just an idea that I'm putting out there in case anyone finds it worthwhile. I'm a big fan of all weapons, all force ffa. However, it seems a bit unbalanced that a gunner can choose to put no skill points into the saber skills and fill up the rest of the force powers while a saberist has to choose between saber skills and force powers. My suggestion would be to reduce all force powers or just light/dark powers by a factor of 1 of players holding a non saber weapon. Please don't think that i'm a die hard saberist who thinks he should be able to win every battle with a saber ... I'm not. I realize that there is an unsupported mercs vs jedi feature but anything that limits choice/diversity in the game ain't a good think in my books. Anyway, that's the basic idea ... thanks for listening! :)

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