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ProMod Beta 2 -- Released!


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Originally posted by thehomicidalegg

lol 1.04 is still a DFA orgy...



*looks at title that reads "Promod beta 2 released*


*wonders why comment about crappy 1.04 is in thread*


If you are refering to promod, i think you must have been playing with complete novices to the game, with promod, it isnt worth it to spam specials, especially in ffa's because of the increased damage. I also found that if i ever do connect with an un-blocked dfa, unless i got them from behind or they just stood still, i never got a kill.

I need to test this more.

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I got a few idea's here from our tffa game, tell me what you think


1.Allow duels in Tffa for opposing teams:


Would be nice but i wouldent want tffa matches turning into FFA's with everyone's saber off


2. Allow some benifit for the greater levles of the team heal/energize:


Right now the only difference that i see in the levels is range, a benifit for lv three would be nice, as well as a lowering of the lv1 benifits.


3.Increace velocity of pushed back weapons:


Right now pushings is more of a novelty it most cases, as you can always dodge rather than pushing and ALL guns have a faster ROF than the push cool down. Don't know how easy this would be to implement, not really neccesary as i don't have much problems with gunners.


4. Bind a damn key with your site in it!


Anytime someone asks what promod does your frozen for like 6 min explaining it to them! or just simplfy it as "aim=good"

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Originally posted by zerowingzero

I got a few idea's here from our tffa game, tell me what you think


1.Allow duels in Tffa for opposing teams:


Would be nice but i wouldent want tffa matches turning into FFA's with everyone's saber off


2. Allow some benifit for the greater levles of the team heal/energize:


Right now the only difference that i see in the levels is range, a benifit for lv three would be nice, as well as a lowering of the lv1 benifits.


3.Increace velocity of pushed back weapons:


Right now pushings is more of a novelty it most cases, as you can always dodge rather than pushing and ALL guns have a faster ROF than the push cool down. Don't know how easy this would be to implement, not really neccesary as i don't have much problems with gunners.


4. Bind a damn key with your site in it!


Anytime someone asks what promod does your frozen for like 6 min explaining it to them! or just simplfy it as "aim=good"


I'll keep all this in mind, though with the Beta 3 plans i have, most of it would be unnecessary, i think.


#4: ROFL. It's a complicated system, so I don't mind explaining it. Maybe I should bind a bunch of 1 line descriptions and hit each of them in turn, hmm? hehehehe.

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*game starts FFA_Bespin*


*ZWZ has connected*


*ZWZ was sabered by Lazarous*


*ArtifeX *asc* was sabered by ZWZ*


*noob1 connected*


*noob1 has connected*


*noob1 was sabered by Atrifex *asc**


*noob1 was sabered by Lazarous*


*noob1 was sabered by ZWZ*


Noob1: What does this mod do?!??


Artifex *asc*: it's a complete re-work of the saber system


Artifex *asc*: It eleminates random encounters in favor of skill


Noob1: O


Artifex *asc*: (Every single thing in his site + demos)


*25min later*




Artifex *Asc*: since when were we playing FFA_Yavin??

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Hehe, great job with the beta 2. Although it seems to be lacking servers atm. Anyway, is also a CTF server, just in case the Praxeum one gets full :) . Although I might change it depending on the player base.


Oh yeah, can anyone please tell me how to get my server on qtracker. That would be much appreciated!

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Actually, if you email the author of qtracker (his email at http://www.qtracker.com), then he'll probably respond. I've traded emails with him a couple of times now and he's always been very prompt in his responses.


Originally posted by lf412

Hehe, great job with the beta 2. Although it seems to be lacking servers atm. Anyway, is also a CTF server, just in case the Praxeum one gets full :) . Although I might change it depending on the player base.


Oh yeah, can anyone please tell me how to get my server on qtracker. That would be much appreciated!

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I've been playing promod beta 2 a fair amount against bots and I'm not so sure that their bot/exact aim will be a problem. In fact, the bots are by nature so stupid that perhaps their aim is a needed enhancement. Thought I'd mention this as I've been one of the ppl mentioning the bot issue in the past. As always, just my opinion. Looking forward to numero tres!

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Originally posted by taboo

I've been playing promod beta 2 a fair amount against bots and I'm not so sure that their bot/exact aim will be a problem. In fact, the bots are by nature so stupid that perhaps their aim is a needed enhancement. Thought I'd mention this as I've been one of the ppl mentioning the bot issue in the past. As always, just my opinion. Looking forward to numero tres!


I'm planning on adding a bit of scalability to the bot aim at some point. That'll allow people to play against easy bots and not have to compete with such high accuracy. Not sure if it's going to be in beta 3, but it'll happen eventually.

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Originally posted by taboo

How now brown cow? Really looking forward to beta 3, do you have a rough idea about when it'll be finished? I've been pimping. :)


I've been putting my design doc together for a couple of weeks now, and poring over the code to see what I can accomplish. My long term goal with the mod is pretty lofty, so most of my effort at this point is chopping up my final vision into smaller releases.


Beta 3 is under way. I'll give you all more info as I get closer to release.

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