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Interested in Star Wars role-play game?


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The Star Wars RPG Remnants of the Empire, based on a story ten years after JK2 and including some of the same characters (including Jan as a Jedi apprentice and Kyle on the newly formed Jedi Council) is starting up here: EpicRPGs. The game is very easy to begin, there are no complex rules. Basically, you just sign up your character, and you will have a forum-thread where you write your character's story, and he/she develops based on what you do. There will also be separate threads for character interaction, etc. If you would like more information, you can email me: MattKG

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The RPG is up again. Unfortunately the signups were removed, so if you signed up before you need to do it again or I will contact you by e-mail. Sorry! This will not happen again, it was a problem with the Proboards category initialization. There is now a separate category for the Remnants game, with several different boards for news, info, rp-ing, etc.

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