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Newbie Question


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Hi and


Welcome to



Hi i am Wraith 8. your friendly neighbourhood mod and i'd like to welcome you :D

I hope you will like it here and you can always ask ANY question.

(except Jedi :p)


To answer your question(s):


Can you be a smuggler?



Can you be a crimelord?

Uhm.. that one is difficult. I heard that the Hutts as a faction.. so crime lords are out i think. you can always try and make a crime empire with your smuggling ofcourse.. but a realy crimelord.. i dont think so.


Anyway.. i hope you will stay around :D


C ya


-Wraith 8-

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

Hi i am Wraith 8. your friendly neighbourhood mod and i'd like to welcome you :D


yea okay you can think that. HES EVIL WATCH OUT MAN! :p


now I am almost positive that crimelord is not a career option, but why not make a PA of a crapload of smugglers, and you can be the head of that. Thats kind of like a crimelord.

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Stay waaaay clear of Wraithy. He eats babies. With ketchup!


But seriously, well, you are more or less only restricted by your ambition and your intellect. Just like in the real world. You want to be a crimelord? Learn to bend the rules. To strike good deals. To know what strings to pull. Gather a posse. Expand. Be ruthless. Teach the traders who to deal with and who not to. Put money in the right pockets, and take money from the others. With PC leaders of towns and even cities, establishing a network is crucial.


If you are serious about your ambition, I'd recommend you to read books, and especially biographies, about real world mafia and mob activities. Learn how they work, and how they started. You wan't a smuggling mafia like the early Irish mafia? Or a protection racket, like Al Capone had? A global Cosa Nostra? A trade union like the chinese triads? If something works in the real world, there's a big chance that you can utilize it in a game.


Learn about your thing. Be smarter than the other who has the same ambition. But don't think that you can press the 'crime overlord' button during character creation. A crime syndicate takes time, resources and cunning to create, no matter if you do it for real or in a virtual world. Your skills at politics, socializing, manipulation and rigid thinking is what matters. A tough, yet very rewarding challange.

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