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Best Jedi Knight 2 moment?


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Decapitating a bot when running past it. I just jumped in the air and made a medium swing hoping to do some damage. When I saw its head leave the body I thought: "Perfect!"


In single player... Every meeting with a Reborn. Saberfight is by far the best thing in Jedi Outcast. Original Jedi Knight with these moves... Mmmm....

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My favorite moment was in the reactor level, while crossing the reactor shaft with the rotating wing thingies. The reborn standing halfway across, when I saw him I thought I was going to be in for the toughest battle up to that point in the game. I took a moment to pause and wipe the thin film of grease from my fingers and mouse, reposition my fingers over my keyboard, crack my knuckles, all of that. Then I made the jump over the rotating thinging and heard the Reborn laugh, and though "Here is comes!"... at which point said Reborn strafed right off the side of the shaft and fell to his doom, still laughing. This just sent me into fits of uncontrolled laughter, especially after I re-loaded the save, and he did it again, and again, and again. I never did end up fighting him, but it sure was some nice comic relief.

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Hmm, in FFA I ran up to a saber orgy, killed someone with a red sideswing, killed another with the spin followthrough, turned that spin into a DFA and killed someone in front of me, switched to Light killed someone in back of me with a Backstab, switched to Flechette and blasted the fool in front of me with a double dosage of flakballs, and side kicked someone to left of me ending their life.












My gawd I would be soooooo l33t if i could pull that off :D

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Originally posted by Psionic Jedi

Hmm, in FFA I ran up to a saber orgy, killed someone with a red sideswing, killed another with the spin followthrough, turned that spin into a DFA and killed someone in front of me, switched to Light killed someone in back of me with a Backstab, switched to Flechette and blasted the fool in front of me with a double dosage of flakballs, and side kicked someone to left of me ending their life.


WOW. my best was in deul when a guy lunged at me with the red stance jump charge thing light saber itno the ground thingy(Ya know what move i mean) He did the move right at me i crouched slashed in blue stance and i was behind him then i backsabed and he was D E D , dead. HAHAHa. And i jus said "Perfect"

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JK2 1.03...

On a saber only CTF server. Got caught with the flag, surrounded by 5 members of the other team. I pulled two in front of me to the ground and proceed to start the red backslash. I guess the other three all closed in because as my spin stopped I saw 5 bodies dead at my feet, with 5 kill messages in the chat. :)

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