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European focused PA - the Northstar Alliance


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The Northstar Alliance is an initiative by Europeans to bring together like-minded people. We are of an mature mind and started out as a group of friends in RL and from previous games. We are now interested in expandign our smaller and tight group if we can find any others like us. However, even as are focused on the European time zone we do have members from the US and Asia.


We are all sci-fi fans as well as having the extreme interest for multiplayer online games. We will spend a large amount of our time on this game and will do our very best to fully understand and play this game as a well oiled group, all while having great fun - of course! :)


We have an excellent site up and running, ready to work as a good foundation to organise and plan our PA and its activities. Feel free to just drop by and even say hello!


Our plans are to start out together on Corellia as Neutrals, but working towards the Imperial faction, as this will give us more options and greater gaming experience. We have both a crafting and military/combat Divisions which will together with our Politics and Information branch, set up a City.


Other ideas and thoughts important to us are: Strong group and team notion, focused group events and adventures together, co-operation and aid to set up crafting and design businesses, and having good times together.


Built on a strong and stable foundation we will expand and prospour together in the Northstar Alliance! :D


Until we meet again, as Friends, Allies or Enemies!



btw, I couldn't really find where to post this announcement...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh yes! We fell i love with Corellia and will live, eat, breeth and fight there! :D

btw, we are going to secure the Imperial influence :atat: on the planet, what faction might we have against us... as yo mentioned your Pa also will head for C. ?


....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw, why can't the game start now?!


/Rothwang, alias Giskard of the Northstar Alliance



look we got interviewed by SWGalaxies :)


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