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WIP: Generic Jedi model


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Originally posted by SAIK HUAT

Some times I hate people.

I asked the Kat to use his model and he said no, so i used the models from within the game and modified and used the maul models skins (no problem in that is there?). Not the mesh.


So you don't have to have permission to use someone else's skin? That's news to me.

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Originally posted by Eets

I removed the file from the files section for now. Once everything is straightened out, Andy or I will re-add it.


Jeez, what a load of crap, my own work taken off for looking like somthing else. The skin tones from the maul skins were used so i could get the colour right. The maul skins wouldnt have wrapped round my model so thats why its ok for me to use the skins. Its like using reference pics for f*** sake. The skins were made by me and the mesh. Each model has different UVWMAPPING making it impossable to use the maul skins on my model because I MADE THE MESH.

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Yes, you are not allowed to use somebody else's textures without permission. Raven has already given you permission to use their textures, Cheshire has not


I'm not saying it's exactly the same model, it's not, the head/shoulder area, and legs are yours/ravens, the torso/hips, sleeves and hands are Cheshires. If he doesnt have a problem with this then it's all ok. You wielded some verts together, and resized some areas. Post your pics, then I'll post some pics too that will make it clearer if you like


You just admited that you used his textures, your not allowed to do that. And his textures wouldnt fit around your model properly unless you used his parts


I would hate to see you go Saku, you showed some potential with your last model. You just admited that you stole his textures, say your sorry and start over, or get Cheshire to sign off on this and move on

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OK here we go.


First of all im surprised EETs listened to 95% of the bs'ers here. He told me to actually make some of the changes in this model and saw it progress.


First off I would like to show of my new WIP: Toonces the female ugnaught - http://www.redgamer.com/toonces.jpg (Toonces I thought you off all people would be on my side, guess i was wrong.)


And heres the deciding picture (Please look at both).



(This forum is bonkers, your lucky i enjoy modeling to give you this great work. I thought people would be happy on its release. Always moaning like biatch's. No one complained that the picture looked like the maul model? Bunch of wierdos)


Thx for wasting my time

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Why would I be on your side when you ripped peices of your model from Cheshire without permission? I'm a nice guy who helps out anybody in anyway I can, but I also would be kinda pissed if somebody ripped my stuff


Tell me what thoes pictures are supposed to prove? You heavily modifyed the model, I'm not saying it doesnt look a bit diffrent, but you ripped peices and skins directly from cheshire. It's pretty easy to copy and paste sections of a model todether


Frankly, I don't give a damn as long as you give Cheshire says it's ok, and you give him the credit he deserves


You admited you ripped some of his skins too, do you want me to post a side by side comparison?

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So with those pictures you proved that you took parts of the Ugnaught and Reborn models and then stole parts of the Maul model...and put them all together? Its pretty clear that those arms are the exact same except you moved a lil bit of stuff around.


Also you only gave us shots of the uppertorso. From the parts I see...looks like the clothe that hangs over his legs is the same as well.

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Above is a shot of the wireframe mapping and their respective textures, clearly this is a direct rip and since K-man did the unwraping I'm sure he can identify his work. The textures are for the hands and arms, the hand textures are completely identicle, and the arm texture was modified signifigantly, but not enough to make it unreconizeable.


The other part of the body I know was used was heavily modified and do not resemble their former self.


I could care less if you copy and paste ravens models together and call it your own, but I'm offended greatly by what you did.


I know this is Cheshire's model and it's up to him to decide to take any further action, but Cheshire was and still is an incredible inspiration to me as a amature modeler and I feel personally insulted by this.


There is no need for me to waste my time anymore trying to debunk you, it's not my model. It's been posted on JKII.net and it's up to them or Cheshire now


Thanks for your work Cheshire, I only hope to be half as good as your are someday :)

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*Slaps head*

Why do I have to argue with you people!!!

Cant you simply see I made this from the models in game?

The hand is the origanal hand with the base of the wrist rescaled. OK i used a maul texture for a glove, but you gonna take my model off line for that?

If you can be bothered to view the skins in 2d then youll see my skins look nothing like the god damn maul models (Apart from the hands skin, which was modified anyway, so not the origanal maul skin).

Toonces, dont try and argue anymore, your starting to make things up and confuse people. The picture shows the shoulders are exactly like the ugnaughts, same with the lower body and torso. Now stop wasteing my time and put my work back online.

EETS!!!!!!????? Why are you not doing anything!!!, you saw this model in progress. You saw the beta pictures!!! Say something.

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Originally posted by Toonces


If I am wrong I will issue a public appology. As I said, I personally like the model.


I almost feel like I'm picking on this kid, but I just know how upset I'd be if my stuff was used as a base for another model without permission and credit.


I do not throw around accusations lightly, this is the second time I have, and the first time I was 100% right. It's not that it looked 100% similar, but the construction was exactly the same.



You are picking on me. :mad:

Do you think your some kind of detective or something? That other case was a mistake in the readme file. Dont get entangled in your Dick Tracie dreams.


Originally posted by Darth Loki

Uhhh, so now that cheshire has made darth maul, no one is allowed to make any dark jedi wearing that style clothes? most of the people on these forum say that jedi should only wear there 'under suit' or whatever its called, and from what we see in the movies, they all look pretty much the same. I think its stupid to accuse someone of model-theft for making something that looks similar to another persons model, especially if they are making something that is meant to be wearing the same style clothes.


You took the words right out of my mouth. Thankyou

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Originally posted by hawk_of_war

Did you maybe think that maybe there is a reason why you are finding it so hard to aruge with these people??? Maybe because of the fact that you ARE GUILTY?




No the fact is I have PROVEN MY SELF NOT GUILTY, but because you whiners obviously dont know alot about modeling, you carry on, not knowing what the hell you are talking about. I will send the .MAX file to Cheshire Kat and get him to confirm it. Now keep your noob mouths shut, your downgrading my work. If i did steal, then why is my work back online at the JK2.net database? Even one of the admins witnessed the model when i was working on it, and even he suggested some of the changes I made to it. Jeez. Admins close this thread!!!!!!

I find it hard to argue because i KNOW its my work, but everyone seems to be convinced that it isnt. What can you do when that happens? Well you can try and prove it, but when you do they dont understand and carry on accuseing like blind old biddys.


Take my model and the maul model. Know delete everything but the torso and hips and arms for both models. Now ask 3dsmax to give you a summary showing poly count, and vertice count etc. If you knew about modeling you would have checked this first. Now compare the two.

Hold on, i bet hawk_of_war doesnt even have 3dsmax.

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four things;


1. I understand IF it is part of someone elses model then i agree if it was mine i would be pretty p****d off but hasnt been proven, i mean come on if i made a hand and it looked like toonces (sorry just hypathetically speaking ) model then would i get flamed 4 using his model, its a hand they more or less all the same ....


2. Come on guys look on the bright side at least we got another model , and a pretty decent one too :) i like it.


3.dont bother trying to flame me (if u are going too ) because itll just go up my nose and outta my a**e :D


4.I am on NOBODIES SIDE, i am speaking my mind and mine alone...


End of rant , argument ... whatever it is .....



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Originally posted by SAIK HUAT

*Slaps head*

Why do I have to argue with you people!!!

Cant you simply see I made this from the models in game?

The hand is the origanal hand with the base of the wrist rescaled. OK i used a maul texture for a glove, but you gonna take my model off line for that?


Yes, that's actually a reason to take a file off line if Cheshire wanted to


Originally posted by SAIK HUAT

If you can be bothered to view the skins in 2d then youll see my skins look nothing like the god damn maul models (Apart from the hands skin, which was modified anyway, so not the origanal maul skin).


This is something your also not allowed to do, again, grounds for taking the model offline if Cheshire wanted to. You altered another artists work without permission, it's completely unethical


Originally posted by SAIK HUAT Toonces, dont try and argue anymore, your starting to make things up and confuse people. The picture shows the shoulders are exactly like the ugnaughts, same with the lower body and torso. Now stop wasteing my time and put my work back online.

EETS!!!!!!????? Why are you not doing anything!!!, you saw this model in progress. You saw the beta pictures!!! Say something. [/b]


What have I made up? I stated fact :) You called me a liar, You my friend have ZERO credibility anymore. You did make the model with parts of ravens models, that's just fine, but you used parts from Maul. K-man unwrapped the damn thing




As I said, It's not my decision weather to take the file down, it's Cheshires now.

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Originally posted by fat_101

four things;

1. I understand IF it is part of someone elses model then i agree if it was mine i would be pretty p****d off but hasnt been proven , i mean come on if i made a hand and it looked like toonces (sorry just hypathetically speaking ) model then would i get flamed 4 using his model, its a hand they more or less all the same ....


Actually it has been proven (at least on the hands) We haven't seen enough of the rest of the model to pass full judgement.

The hand is clearly mine. Anyone that knows a decent amount of unwrapping knows that it would take quite a long time to unwrap a piece of mesh the exact same way as another. Even if he saved the uvw info from the maul model and made his own hand, the vertex order would have been wrong and the wrapping would have been completely wrong. And I know that he would not have had the skills needed to unwrap it to that degree.

And this is definitley not the first time that I've seen suspect pieces used in a model by him. I wasn't sure what other pieces besides Raven's models were used in the Royal Guard. That is another reason why I chose not to re-map it.

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Originally posted by SAIK HUAT


No the fact is I have PROVEN MY SELF NOT GUILTY, but because you whiners obviously dont know alot about modeling, you carry on, not knowing what the hell you are talking about. I will send the .MAX file to Cheshire Kat and get him to confirm it. Now keep your noob mouths shut, your downgrading my work. If i did steal, then why is my work back online at the JK2.net database? Even one of the admins witnessed the model when i was working on it, and even he suggested some of the changes I made to it. Jeez. Admins close this thread!!!!!!

I find it hard to argue because i KNOW its my work, but everyone seems to be convinced that it isnt. What can you do when that happens? Well you can try and prove it, but when you do they dont understand and carry on accuseing like blind old biddys.


Take my model and the maul model. Know delete everything but the torso and hips and arms for both models. Now ask 3dsmax to give you a summary showing poly count, and vertice count etc. If you knew about modeling you would have checked this first. Now compare the two.

Hold on, i bet hawk_of_war doesnt even have 3dsmax.


A few things. First of all, several of the people you're arguing with are not newbies by any regard, but especially when it comes to modeling. Toonces, KMan, Cheshire, many of them have been putting out models long before I even heard of you doing anything. Second, it's not possible to downgrade your work anymore than it already is. It wasn't at all impressive BEFORE we found out you were guilty of stealing parts (if not all) of the model/skins of Cheshire, but now that we see your work for what it is, it just plain sucks.

And lastly, no one is saying that this ISN'T your work, no one is accusing you of not throwing this all together. What we are saying is that it's unoriginal, and you accomplished it by spending all of 3 days (whoopdee freakin' doo) altering someones existing work. You most likely couldn't find enough TIME in 3 days to build this model from scratch, so stop trying to deny the theft.

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