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Originally posted by Matt Shoemaker

You know most of the people who make the requests wouldn't have the patience to learn it themselves or do it correctly, so they have the request thread to have a single place to whine about models they want. Like you said this forum is to show work on models and such. It doesn't need lots of pointless request threads that wouldn't get answered except by the author every day or so saying "som1 plz listn 2 me!!!!!!!!!!"


The request thread is to keep the forum clean of that nonsense.


Well I believe they should be all put in their own forum to ensure this forum and all other forums stay clean of that nonsense. ;)

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I don't see how that would be any better than the Request thread. A lot of people who make a request come to the Modeling forum and post a new thread without even looking around. I doubt they would look for a Request section on the front page anymore than they would for the Request Thread in the Modeling section. So people would still post requests here, and even if they're moved there would still be a link here, cluttering up the place just like now. Plus even less modelers would visit the new section then visit the request thread now, which would make the whole request section meaningless. At least the way it is now a modeler might happen across the thread and check out what people would like to see.

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Either way it doesn't bother me, I don't read requests, I make what I want to make. Though if the requests are put into a single thread, it does remove clutter on the forums.


Plus most modelers are leaving because so many people are always dissing their work when it's awesome but the dummies don't know that it is a step by step process.


Actually, from what I've read in the forums, its seems quite the opposite. Someone can post a model made out of a few odd primitives thrown together, and they get praise here. The people "dissing" the work are most likely the ones that have an idea of what they are talking about. What gets me is people post a very basic WIP that they have worked on for the last few hours, why bother? Post a WIP when you have more to show for it.

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The Official Request Thread has good purpose but unfortunately not many requests actually get noticed. It would create a giant mess if everyone did post for requests as well. I also think that you are wrong when you say that most people are just too lazy or stupid to figure out Gmax or 3dsmax or milkshape or whatever in the hell you guys may use. Some people are just simply better than others at this certain form of art. That's all.


You now have 3 choices that I can see:

1. Close the Request Thread.

2. Try to advertise the Request Thread better if at all possible.

3. Make another forum for requests all together.


All of these options have their upsides and downsides. I'm merely suggesting choices here. Hope this helps.

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Well Kman, I would have to say that I personally think that you should delete the request thread and also delete any requests that come up. D is exactly right, this is to show off work, not beg for someone to make work for you. I think that if you do that though you need to add like a rule of thumb. SOmething like...

you get 3 warnings for requests, then you get banned or something like that. Someone not learning to not do that in the first time would be doing it to piss us off anyway. Besides, NO modelers pay attention to the requests anyway, sure they may be good Ideas but, jeez. I think that this should be for work only, maybe a request thread in the general editing forum. Sorry to cause an uproar but it's just starting to tick me off. Oh and to clod, I know what you mean about the praise thing hehe, I don't know what I was talkin about LOL.

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Originally posted by KMan

And if I do close and delete the Request Thread, then I will also close any request that pops up. Keep that in mind.



well if you do close it.....at least their request was seen and heard amongst the people

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I agree with funny_dude0 on this one, not everybody has the "ability" to skin or model. I'm not saying its right to beg for stuff but for some people the only option is to request if they have an idea. I myself am more than content with all the great models being made so i don't feel the need to request anything. But at the same time i understand why someone would want to request if they are like me and weren't born with any artistic flare.

I am a relatively smart guy and i can grasp for the most part how modeling and skinning are done, i've learned a lot just by reading all the posts here. I've even downloaded Gmax and had a look at it so i could understand some things better. But fact is it doesn't matter what i know because all i am capable of is doodling pathetic 2d characters on a peice of paper, no matter how hard i try i can't create anything that looks even remotely real. :(

So saying people shouldn't request because they are too lazy to learn themslelves isn't always the case. Even if you learn it that doesn't mean you can DO it, it mainly comes down to who has the talent and who does not.


please try not to grow an ego if you have that talent, you have a gift that many of us could only dream of having. ;)

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Originally posted by Deetox187

...please try not to grow an ego if you have that talent, you have a gift that many of us could only dream of having. ;)

A good reminder; Ungratefulness is all too common.


I think the request thread "could" be useful - for those modellers who have creativity blocks and can't think of anything new to model (it happens, I know I've stared at a blank page many a time :) ),. . .and then are delighted to be "given" a sublject to work on.


Problem is, I think most modellers (if they're like me) want to work on .. what they WANT to work on - not what someone ELSE wants. I simply wouldn't have the motivation or patience to work on a model that someone ELSE really wanted unless I wanted to do the work too. (I'm finding character creation is a LOT of work!)


I really don't have a problem with closing these new requests that keep popping up. I enjoy seeing what other people are working on (or asking for). I DO NOT ENJOY the "bumping" that usually accompanies these threads to refresh them: ". . bump bumpity-bump. ..bump-bump,. . .bump. . ." = stupid and irritating! If they could be closed once the request has been made, then they wouldn't keep popping up now and again. People should be "Subscribing" to threads instead.


I agree with Askkkkkkkkkk88; these types of threads should be "Closed", but not "Deleted". (...Hmm, .. . of course, . . this just adds to the moderators' workload - which isn't very fair :( )


Threads that SHOULD keep popping up now and again are WIPS that "have something new to show", or questions re: modelling.


Perhaps instead of a "Request Thread", we could substitute it with something more USEFUL to the community: a "Reference Material" thread/forum, where people can ask for help to find reference pics of the subjects they want to model, or post links of reference art for those in need.

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