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ffaepisode1 map!!! when version 2??


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I dunno about another ffa being made but i have got a copy of the original map which i am converting into an SP mpap where you can fight Darth Maul etc - im just learning scriting to do more advanced stuff- im thinking about making all my naboo starships fly out of the hanger. As for extending the map, that may come in version 2 of my map, after the 1st is released

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youd be better asking livingdeadjedi as its his map that im using - its up to him about the update - im just creating a SP version, and modifying what i feel is necessary, although there WILL be naboo fighters etc.. in the hanger and im learning scripting to attempt to make a cut scene where they will all fly out - its gunna be hard though

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Actually, Merritt, it took his computer 7 hours to compile the final version, and after that is when he noticed some bugs in the map, but he didn't want to have to another 7-hour compile. So he released it as is. and you might want to consider that from what I've heard, SP game engine doesn't support very many custom textures in maps, which is why LDJ's Episode 1 could only be run in MP. Just alittle FYI for ya, unless you talk to some of the mappers and such up at Raven Games.

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Couple of things.


First : SP doesn't support custom textures very well AT ALL. Wasn't really built to use them. MP was, as is greatly in evidance.


Second : The notion that the required changes will take "just a few minutes". IF ONLY! To fix many of the "issues" in that map would take a nearly complete rebuild. Couple of WEEKS probobly.


Third : If someone has LivingDead's email, I'll try to get the .map file from his original map (if he still has it) and do a new version, WITH the N-1s. And I'll try to get that FPS up JUST a little.




As soon as I'm done with my current map that is - another two weeks at most, presuming no more problems.

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I just got the mp file from LivingDead, and the second MP version of this map is a GO. I'll be starting work shortly... I have a few things to get for this before I start (like the N-1 md3...) but I HOPE it'll turn out well and solve all the problems.


Speaking of which, I know FPS and I know to ditch the Lady Luck. Were there any OTHER significant issues we needed addressed?

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Not sure how long it will take. I just got done removing about 400 million light entities though, just so I could see the level structure. No WONDER his compile took seven hours - light entities in THAT amount will do that every time!


Gimmie a light emitting shader EVERY time!


But, It's being worked on, so...


I found one more thing I'm gonna change. Scale. The thing is MASSIVE comparerd to the little guys running around in it.I'll be scaling it down somewhat, though it is STILL gonna be huge. That's what's causeing the FPS hoggage - HUGE rooms. It'll be BETTER but I'm not sure by how much. Guess we'll see. :)

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