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ffaepisode1 map!!! when version 2??


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An opening hanger door I can do. That's easy.


As to the question of scaling... lets look at it for a moment.


In the map, in order to reach the cieling in just the hanger room, you would have to stack something like 20 or 25 of yourself on top of each other. That's (using 6 ft for kyle) 120 feet or so high, or roughly 12 stories.


Uh uh. WAY to high.


I wont argue that it LOOKS good, but it can be scaled down a little easily, and still retain the sence of space. Especially since the Lady Luck wont be in there to throw it all out of kilter.


And, hey, it'll help FPS. :)


The reactor room has a similar issue. Unless you have force jump 3, you cant jump from one platform/catlwalk to the next higher or lower without severe damage. Those platforms, ,while they DO need some distance apart, need to be MUCH closer than thay. are. Therefore, the room itself will shrink in size (vertically, anyways) and again, this will help FPS.


The other major thing I want to change is the timing on the forcefields. It's too... well... erratic in the first version. You can't really time that furthest one (nearest the pit) at all, ,so you'll be walking through, thinking youhave lots of time, and WHAM. Dead Jedi. From LDJ's map, I think I see how to do it, but that will remain to be seen.


I'm starting in the pit room and working backwards from there. I'll post screenies when I have them. Of course, the'll look almost exactly like the original, but hey...

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cool. make sure when you lower things in my map that you make sure you keep top of reactor roughly the same height as the hanger. As they are the same height.


One thing i would say that is easy to do but so hard to texture is to make the platforms i made arc round in a curve.


I had to use straight 45 degree brushes because texturing would have been hard , but it is possible with meshes:D


Also try making pit where maul falls less deep

i added quite a few levels so that causes lots of lag

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If your just talking about bringing down the ceilings, thats a different story. I thought you meant scaling the whole thing down.


edit: If you removed the door right before the forcefields, would that affect FPS too much? Especially considering the changes your making to scale? Also, it would be kinda nice if one of the doors could lead to that corridor that Amidala and her team went through.

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How about not just the corridor, but the little room at the end where the Nemoidians were?


Not a bad idea... I'd have to get some movie stills and the like to get it semi accurate, but it's doable, I think.


Remove door prior to forcefields... Bad idea. I know it isnt in the movie, but I can see why it was added in... without it, that whole area just gets bigger, since the engine would, in essence, consider it all one huge room.


OK, Update :


The pit room is essentially done, though I am working on that small room behind it. LDJ - I need to talk to you about how to time those forcefields... I've never attempted anything like that before.


I used a lot more patch meshes than LDJ did in the room... mostly because it cuts down on brush count. That entire pit was about 25 or so brushes just for the walls itself. Now, it's two for the walls - two end caps.


I'll try a screenie later this afternoon...


:yobi: I sence something com...

:aobi: Be still, Padawan. I sencee they have not yet finished the rooms where our final climactic battle will take place yet!

:dmaul3: (He just went and spoiled everything. @**$(*&( Jedi...

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How about not just the corridor, but the little room at the end where the Nemoidians were?


Not a bad idea... I'd have to get some movie stills and the like to get it semi accurate, but it's doable, I think.


Remove door prior to forcefields... Bad idea. I know it isnt in the movie, but I can see why it was added in... without it, that whole area just gets bigger, since the engine would, in essence, consider it all one huge room.


OK, Update :


The pit room is essentially done, though I am working on that small room behind it. LDJ - I need to talk to you about how to time those forcefields... I've never attempted anything like that before.


I used a lot more patch meshes than LDJ did in the room... mostly because it cuts down on brush count. That entire pit was about 25 or so brushes just for the walls itself. Now, it's two for the walls - two end caps.


I'll try a screenie later this afternoon...


:yobi: I sence something com...

:aobi: Be still, Padawan. I sencee they have not yet finished the rooms where our final climactic battle will take place yet!

:dmaul3: (He just went and spoiled everything. @**$(*&( Jedi...)

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How about not just the corridor, but the little room at the end where the Nemoidians were?


Sounds excellent. That hallway seems to have been across from the big reactor room that lead to the pit room. So the doors should open on both sides. I'll search for some pics.

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yeah those doors i made, i found doing the timing really really hard

there must be other ways but even Raven who i asked for help couldnt get them working.


Given more time i bet they could though :p as they have made far more complex doors


Anyway have a go yaself and youll see that its not so easy to set the time limit for the doors thats why they are random.



I have heard though you may be able to get them to rotate if you make the things conected to the doors a func_train but im not sure

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