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Darzan Isle will come to jedi outcast


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i was looking in some threads in this forums (lucasforums)

and i saw a link to a program that called JK2 Importer

its converting jedi knight/mots levels to jedi outcast level,

so i dowloaded it and i downloaded Darzan Isle level from Massassi and i convert it so it will be just give me time to retexture it.:) :) :) :) :) :)

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whats he going to do? honest to god, all he can do is yell at you, but it on your ownserver or something...ill put it on my server! i dont care what he says, i'd love that level for JO


besides last i checked he didnt copy right it, and if he did, then he is just making a waste of money...

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Come on dude, how did you get it to work? I'm trying to bring back some of the greats of JK1 and I can't get the uploader to work.

lol if you use jk2radient go to plugins and click jk importer and click the browse to search for the jk1 level.

if you use GTK i dont know read the readme



ahh and what the hell was j0shy was talking about?:)

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Originally posted by j0shy

besides last i checked he didnt copy right it, and if he did, then he is just making a waste of money...


Actually, if you create a work (like map in this case) that is your own work, copyrights will be automaticly even if you don't mark it to anywhere. So he can easily sue you for breaking copyrights.

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You CAN'T import Drazen Isle into JO, I tried as an experiment and Radiant will lock up COMPLETELY. Don't even think about importing it, because even if you did get it to load, you'd have to retexture the entire level, and it would be an ugly mesh of overlapping and errorous brushes.


Secondly, Drazen Isle is COPYRIGHTED work of Jeff Walters. He can e-mail jediknightii.net, massassi.net or any other big places and easily have it taken down. Oh, it'll stay up on your little geo****ies server, but who's going to go there?


Remember that incident with jedioutcastmaps.com? DeTRiTiC-iQ wanted his map taken down, his OWN MAP which he didn't even submit. The guy didn't want to, and he was contacted by his host (which I would imagine DeT or someone else reported or something), saying that it was infact illegal and he had to take it down. I don't remember exactly how it went, but it was something like that.


Besides, who wants to play a ripped, slow, ugly unoffical port of Drazen? I certantly wouldn't.

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Just wondering... how could Jeff stop you? its not as if he COPYRIGHTED the level... when people say they copyright stuff like that its totaly dumb and impossible. You cant copyright somthing that is alredy copyrighted E.I you cant copyright a level that runs in a copyrighted game.


I'm not giving anyone a right to go editing his level i'm just making it clear that it isnt possible to copyright it.

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