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Suggested Changes


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There is a HUGE balance issue when playing on the on-line servers with the use of the Force.


Firstly; Force Grip, in my opinion, is FAR too powerful. Players that use it, simply grab onto an oponent, and shake their mouse uncontrollably, making it impossible for someone to counter. Sure, so be it that they found a better way to get an easy kill, yet be realisitic... There should be a "speed control" in place for Grip, and if you move an opponent too fast, your character should then have to release. It's amazingly disgusting to get on a server, only to notice, that that's all everyone is doing in the first place. It makes learning the lightsaber moves down right pointless.


Secondly; On levels that are bottomless, and it is extremely easy to get pushed off, or "Gripped off," there should be an option for those with the Force Jump attribute, to "re-jump" back onto a platform from when they were pushed. If falling, you should be able to re-tap the jump button (if not already done) and get a boost up-ward in the direction headed. It would make the bottomless levels a LOT more enjoyable, and the "punk" on-line gaming even better.


Nothing frustrates me more, than when you can actually find a suitable server, with low enough ping to play, that that's all anyone is doing.


Just two suggestions, maybe making the game more fun.

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Originally posted by Luc Solar

You must be kidding me...?


*cough* absorb *cough*


Grip is anything but overpowered.


I love having to argue with you but I can't you are right, absorb would pretty much solve this man's complaint.


However we should be nice to him, because judging by his comments I think he may be the guy that Raven asks about what changes to make in their patches for JKII.

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