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SAGA specifications


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I'm not sure what type of problem you are having - my pk3 is in it's own mod directory, and I made it myself - should be the same as aSK's though.


How do I go about setting up an info_saga_objective, monsoon?


My map doesn't work, but the aSK test saga map does - so Saga works, and I enabled the saga troubleshooting code, so that shows when the objective gets triggered, not sure how to set it up.


Also, when it comes to setting point values for saga objective, I'm trying to take some values from target_score, and make it so that there is a count key and a value with points to be added for completing the objective - what do you guys think?

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Wudan - As far as setting up a saga objective, just place it and have a trigger pointing at it (Can be a trigger_multiple, func_breakable, can be an item you pick up etc). Then just make sure you have all the saga code written properly NB the 'target' line in the code does not refer to the info_saga_objective - I guess you'd know this but I initially had it pointing at itself which caused the map to crash :-(.


Currently the default for completing an objective increases your score by three points, but I imagine you can add additional points by having the saga_objective trigger a target_score.


I added my objectives late in the map building process and as such they're fairly simple (pickup/use object x activates objective x). I don't have locked doors being triggered open or anything like that yet - but I hope to!



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Really? That's what I've got ...

Maybe it's my saga file, or my info_saga_objective


My info_saga_objective has keys / values:


side / 1

objective / 1

targetname / t1


When I set up a trigger_multiple to target t1, it does not give me an objective completed message (I have enabled the code to give me this message - it's just commented out right now)


But the saga test map does give me messages.


If what you're saying it right, it must be my saga file.

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Thanks Moontide. The more info I got the on mapping side, the better. I'm not a mapper so I don't want to mess with that stuff. :D


It sounds like the scoring code needs to be messed with and fixed. I think a .saga value for an objectives score would be a good addition. It would be much easier to set and we'd be able to have some leeway with different scoring set ups.


I've all ready made some comments on this in the Standardization thread.

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If there's anything you need answered about SAGA mapping I'll be glad to help out!


So far the main issues for me are...


1. The Team Score Doesn't update when objectives are completed. (Top Right of screen under Player Portrait wher it says RED: 0 / BLUE: 0)


2. No list of objectives to do/completed for players to look up.


3. No SAGA instructions in main menu screen (You know the one that tells you the rules for each gametype).


4. Haven't worked out how to make certain objects only 'pick-up-able' by one team or the other!


5. When all objectives are complete the score is reset and not carried over to next round/map - Also I can't kill the worldspawn music so I can play the RED/BLUE team winning music without it in the background.


Some of these are mapping issues and some are coding/modding issues.


I encourage all Map makers currently building anything other than a duel map to attempt to add SAGA to their maps! It's not at all difficult. ;)



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1. Fixable

2. Not sure what you want us to do about it, all the other games with this type of gamemode don't list objectives ether. Maybe add a compass/objective message that tells you about and points to the nearest objective. (unless the objective is hidden. :)

3. Well, that could be fixed.

4. Check out a CTF map, it could be a trigger, otherwise, we'll have to add that. :)

5. We can probably get it to stay over to the next round but not the next map. A) It would require coding in a system to transfer data between maps. B) We don't want to have score trans between maps anyway. It would make the score purminate until someone resets the server and one team would probably be behind forever.

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Also, on the target_score thing, it's better not to make it too complex for mappers, so what I was going to do was make it so you could add a 'count' key and value to the info_saga_objective, rather than worry about mappers fiddling with the target_score as well.


Should be a doable fix, but, hey, I've been wrong before.


Also, I think you are still confused about Saga, and how to enable/how it must be enabled.


Make your very own Saga folder beneath the Gamedata folder, put you pk3 with your new files in it (qvms and ui fixes), and when you run JK2, load the Saga under the Setup menu, in Mods.


Never mess with anything in the original assets pk3s - if you make replacements, put them in your own pk3s, but leave the raven ones alone, capiche?


Will someone big and mighty agree with me on this?

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I'd rather add the score value to the .saga file, otherwise you're messing with entity stuff AND probably make any old Saga maps incompatible with the new system. Making stuff incompatible is bad.


And, yes, I agree on the Saga PK3 file issue. But I don't consider myself "big and mighty" YET. :D

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Hi Guys,


Well, I did what was suggested and put everything into a 'MOD' folder in the GameData folder so it can be loaded from the MODS menu - seems to work fine but I need to test it a bit more (Take out some of the failsafes I have ;) )


As for triggering objectives - I have a trigger_multiple set to either red/blue targeting a target_relay, which is then targeted at the objective and any other sounds/effects/triggers that need firing.

I also have object pickups triggering objectives and func_breakables triggering target_relays etc, etc, without needing to ad any targets/triggers in the SAGA file - makes things much more straight forward from a mapping POV.


I'm just using the default score of 3 from the objectives.

I'm wondering it the variable 'count' can be used in the enitity window to adjust the point allocated - I haven't tried it yet though!



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No, count doesn't work on the inf_saga_objective yet - there's no code to back it up, but there will be.


Or we could just have that objective info parsed from the saga file. It'll be a while before I get to it - I'm developing a plan of attack (or, rather, a plan of coding), to make it so you can pick up an entity (like a misc_model, but rather a saga_model_item, or something like that) and carry the entity to the drop zone.


I'm not sure how currently existing Saga Maps would be hurt - there aren't any I know of that are out of the beta stages, and only Monsoon's will be released in the next month - of course, unless I can get my saga working ... it'll be just monsoon unless other mappers wanna jump on this, which they should, but it's far too shaky ground for any but the 1337-est mapper at this point.


Your average mapper wouldn't ever be able to complete a saga map, and, if an average mapper reads this, prove me wrong.

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As it is, a saga mapper has to add quite a few keys to the info_saga_objective entity. We aren't going to release anything that's broken, and we need to make this a 'pretty' mod (er ... open source) - so that it seems like it was always included in JK2.


Also, bg_saga.h already gives 3 points per objective, 5 points for final, and 5 for winround - why not just fix those, so those points update?

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I'm not sure, but couldn't adding additional values to the entity brake the standard Saga maps? Sure, we COULD redo everything, but there's no point unless you're truely making it better and it's needed.


Sides, the saga maps already has a seperate file for saga data. We may as well use it. :)


Like I said before, it only complicates things when you add extra stuff to the map entities. The score value doesn't have to be accessed all the time. It's only used once on objective completion. No point in having that extra data constantly in memory if we don't have to. Every saved bit of memory and CPU cycles count. :)


Anyway, this part of the discussion belongs in the Saga Standardization thread and not here.

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USER: tide1

PASS: tide1


and later this weekend from the various JK2 websites

(Hopefully pcgamemods.com, jediknightii.net & jediKnight2files.com)



(Or else it might not work for you!)


A huge big THANKYOU to all who contributed to this map




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