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SAGA specifications


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Originally posted by Sephiroth

A mate and myself were just discussing some possibilities, and what really struck a chord was the possibility of porting team fortress to JK2.. with a JK2 theme..


Think about JK2 Fortress.. it's got some great potential as an idea for a mod using the base of the saga gametype..


Great idea, just imagine...Canalzone.......or better yet...Avanti! I really miss attack vs defence maps like Avanti and Dustbowl from TFC days, wouldn't mind seeing that kinda thing with a jk2 theme and lightsabers!

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I had seen ASK's post about this earlier, and since then our coder has looked into the aspects of the SAGA gametype. Needless to say, the gametype helps A LOT to push the deadline of Jedi Fortress closer, and we've already got a HOTH map in the works! If other maps are developed outside of Jedi Fortress using the SAGA gametype, it should be possible to port them over once the mod is completed...(with permission from the authors ofcourse). So this is really an EXCELLENT discovery. :thumbsup:

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The issue here is, when will this gametype be ready for launch, roughly? In a few weeks? Few Months? Next year? An estimation would be nice. This could really revive a declining JO.


*thinks of Team Fortress and other mods, like one based off of UT's Tac Ops, only people have the force and sabers*





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Well I think he meant "When can I play it?" i.e. how long do you think it will take for someone to make a saga map or convert an existing map for SAGA?


It really doesn't surprise me that Raven have held this back, they're community support has be almost non-existant:rolleyes:

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Yes, thats exactly what I meant: when are the Saga maps going to be ready.


Also, Do you all know there is yet ANOTHER gametype in there? I have no idea what the original intent was - I just know I looked it up, and added support for it in there - Single Player Free For All.


Now, whan I read this, I think Hmm, why not just play FFA with Bots? But maybe there is more to this, like some rule changes?

All the FFA maps show up in the game under this setting.


Can anyone get to the bottom of this other mode?

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Now that I've solved some unrelated in-game crash issues with my map it is moving ahead as fast as I am able.

Construction is 95% complete (Just a few more bits and pieces to finsih of), theres some texturing to do and I'm working on adding entites for as many game types as I can - In Particular SAGA support, though this may take time depending on how smoothly the process goes and how busy I am at work. I'm still trying to work out exactly what the objectives are :-)


Expect by the end of october though!



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Hi Guys,


Well, I've got all my SAGA entities in place, but I need help with a few things.


Can I test the SAGA aspect of the map without putting it into a PK3 file? If so how? (I'm assuming it's something along the lines of devmap mymapname +gametype saga)


Also I want to know if it's possible to have a team pick up an item and make it unavailable for the other team - but if they die, they drop it - kinda like the flag. (I.E. both teams need to pick up a Yasalamiri to complete an objective



In the PK3 File I need the BSP (& Associated textures/models etc), The SAGA file & an ARENA file.

Anything else?


My map nears 95% completion once I've tested to make certain the objectives work.




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Can I test the SAGA aspect of the map without putting it into a PK3 file? If so how? (I'm assuming it's something along the lines of devmap mymapname +gametype saga)

I'm not sure how to setup a map to run without it being in a pk3 file. I believe you just dump the files into the /maps dir and use the map mapname and then set the gamemode to saga ether thru the menu or the gamemode cvar. I beleive the cvar value is mentioned at the beginning of the thread.

Also I want to know if it's possible to have a team pick up an item and make it unavailable for the other team - but if they die, they drop it - kinda like the flag. (I.E. both teams need to pick up a Yasalamiri to complete an objective

I'm only familar with the game code and not the map scripting, but I don't think it is possible at the moment.

In the PK3 File I need the BSP (& Associated textures/models etc), The SAGA file & an ARENA file.

Anything else?

Yep, I believe that's it. :)

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Yeah, I tried g_gametype 6, but it just comes up as gamemode "N/A".

Am I missing something, or does it not work trying it this way?


I'm going to throw it into a pk3 folder tomorrow and see if it works anyway.

(The saga gametype does show up when I start the game)

Currently I have 3 objectives for each team and I think I have the code worked out - will probably need a bit more tweaking to get it right I imagine and I hope it plays well.

All other game modes are implemented - including Jedi Master, FFA, Capture the Flag and my fav. FFA Holocron. (Actually I still have to check and make sure Kill The Fool works!)


Will let you know what results I get after I give it a test.



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Look through the back posts and find ASk's mini-mod for saga gametype. It makes a few changes to a text file that adds saga to the normal gametype menu... and it also fixes a few annoying bugs which can hurt saga seriously. I'm.. not sure if he has added my strip_tabs bug fix, but if he has, then saga should be completely functional in every way. You'll need the bugfixes and want the menu fix... after that, saga should work perfectly.



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Originally posted by Slunker

I'm.. not sure if he has added my strip_tabs bug fix, but if he has, then saga should be completely functional in every way. You'll need the bugfixes and want the menu fix... after that, saga should work perfectly.




well you have to change other things...

the scores,

and the map change problem....

(when a team win the match the map is changed ... that really suck)

a few other fixes....

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