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For how long will people play SWGB?


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I've been thinking...

Not all viedogames last thru time and the few who are still popular to the older generation are getting ignore by the new one.What is gonna happen to SWGB in five years?

Will it be forgotten?

Will we forget it?

We won't be posting here forever.

When we won't have anything to say anymore we won't posting anymore.

And we already have said a lot and discussed everything we know aboutthis video game.

Is it gonna die?

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1) It will be forever lost to the dark hallways of time.

2) Nah, it will be lived through by it's sequel(s)

3) Same as above:rolleyes:

4) Duh

5) Really? ;)

6) Well, I won't say so, since it doesn't live in the first place, unlessumakearobotandstorethegameinit'sbrain,butthat wouldbecheatingsouwouldhavetogetittotakeoversomepoorhamsters'sbrainwhichsoundslikesomethingfromsherrorfilmbutit'sreality






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Guest DarthMaulUK

I think the future of SWGB is already judged - especially online. Scenarios, Scenarios, Scenarios ! Zone is full of them and they are ALL a waste of time.


No thought has gone into any of them and in most cases the host gives themselves a nice advantage with higher attack/hit points.


The zone rooms are full of arrogant children who set out not only to make the zone an awful place to be (by flooding, swearing and breaking most zone rules) then by attack those there to help - the Memberpluses.


I started playing Medievil Total War - which has been given so many positive reviews and was (!) a great game until a major bug had been found where it crashes to the desktop.


So the game has become less playable until they decide to bring out a patch to fix it..secondly, you can only play multiplayer online via gamespy - no thanks.



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As soon as time separates players and the game, and other, newer, not yet ruined multiplayer-wise, come out. SWGB will shrivel up into the dark relms of histroy.


DMUK, despite the aggrevations that ESO's invite system brings (its very hard to connect to people and most of your time is spent waiting for someone to invite you into their game), it eliminates the whole scenerios are taking all the rooms problem that killed SWGB. With the invite system, scenerio people can play with scenerio people and never have to bother RMers and DMers again.

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I think that some people on the zone are ok but most of them are simply can't seem to admit defeat(i hate that). thus the reason why i don't play online a lot.


I do not believe that there won't be a SWGB 2 or some game that looks like it but with another name....


The only think I can be sure of is the popularity of SWGB will decrease over time(unless they make a second x-pac and then make SWGB 2). if it was me, i would release it by ep3 but we have to wait a long time and people will forget how SWGB was.

The point with why people buy sequels(most of the time) is because the first game was good and they liked it. But if people forget then it will start out like SWGB and get popular only overtime...

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I heard the same thing from the same guy. Does he have connections to the guy who created the game? I hope he is not right. This game had alot of positive feedback in my opinion. I hope Star Wars RTS games don't end this year. Rebellion was not good. Everyone who likes the games seems to want an expansion pack or sequel. Why would they not make a sequel at least?

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Originally posted by KoL_ShadowJedi

Of course there would be the one or two people who will still play GB.


I shall be one of them!:D


I am confident that someone else will make another SW RTS....

Not very but we must always keep hope....

It won't be as good but it will be something for us......


I'm just trying not to......not to.....:crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:


''sniff'', ''sniff''


it's ok....

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For those of us who spend a lot of time arguing about what might or might not (or should or should not) go into a potential SWGB2, I think it's necessary for people to understand what (apparently) goes on at LA during the course of making a game. Scott R. Kurtz apparently has some insight into it. :)







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I do realize it takes months of planning to make a game but this game and it's expansion pack are so cool. It is not the best game in the world because it does have it's faults like not being to scale, etc. I plan on playing this the rest of 2002 and maybe 2003. Hopefully a sequel or expansion pack will come as soon as possible.

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I for one will play SWGB until another Star Wars RTS comes out.


But lets be realistic. It would be idiocy for LucasArts to bring out another RTS before Episode III comes out. We've only really seen half a movie's worth of the Republic and the Confederacy, so I'm sure there's a whole lot of units we're yet to see. I think if another on is coming, it will come out around the same time as episode III, and definitely not before.

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